– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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Congratulations mate. Sales will come, i know, only a little bit hard than usual.
I hope i can get it too soon, just like you after waiting 4 days. It's just an side activity for me, so i have no pressure...nothing to lose.:D
Filesonic already treat me very good, so no reason for angry or mad when i haven't got sales.
+1 same condition with me waiting for Hish reply

Here too. I've sent pm to Hish today. I'll wait a few days and will post my conclusion about this and about text below. I know that a lot ofpeople, who call other people "whiners".

warez-bb disallowed filesonic :(

I think I know why. Read text in the quote above and try to find is anyone has the same problem. w-bb is not stupid, I think they understood that a far ago. I think about to do the same as w-bb done to my site if something seriously doesn't change and freezing stats commentaries don't stop. Also deleting files made a lot of links dead and hundred deletes daily is problem for my account = site.
ftp eu is from one of my servers very slow... 150-250kb/s upload... from other server 10mb/s... WTF??? both servers are located at EU... but the best one is that the server which i only get 150-250kb/s have a Gbps connection... the other one with 10mb/s has 100mbit....
Fix that!
Wadibahi whats happen to you i got today 6 sale . now wbb ban FSC link no one will be get any sale
Mate i daily get 3 to 6 sales but today i cant get any sale

3 days without any sales dont know whats wrong with stats?
moreover 300+ files got deleted :(
I daily get sales but today i cant get any sale.iam very sad :'(

stats looks me frozen for asian side i think hope it will get well soon

I think u are right bro
bcz champ of champs & me cant get any sale

frozen stats for me too no sales counted at all... seems like filesonic is fucked up for some reason and i wonder why wbb banned em

yeah stats is freeze & wbb ban FSO this is another bad news for all

what is this lol?

buddy someone get refund payment
Lot of people do this

Remote uploaded Files are in pending state since very long time. Hish please check it

I receive the mail about adding new server. i think speed is low due to new server

Iam very very sad & angry bcz i cant earn any cent after a lot of effort
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