– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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maybe they count the sales one week and then the other one they don't ?!
i don't really know, I used to get 1-2 sales everyday but Idk what happened but let's not accuse FSc. It's the first time I made so much with a file host , so it's all good. I love FSc
djkelaj: i dont want to make advertise for another site but i found one really good, paying even if the users who buy premium renew the premium account, and it's about 65% for renew
problem is NOBODY CHEATING, problem is servers are slow for USA/CANADA members
and %60-70 of premium buyers are from them and people does not like and
do not buy.

But I want to show you another point, where will you go ?? warez sharing people

FILESERVE; r u kidding ?? They are 10000% worse speed than sonic. And they do not give premium sales

EASYSHARE: Gives you 200 gb for prem members, and if u have more they will wipe after 60 days.

and most of the hosts prefer EASY money, they set up a server and never plan to upgrade themselves.

Only filesonic try to do something and yes they have problem. I have %50 less sales.

March 15th, 2011 $672.04 USD
March 22nd, 2011 $533.67 USD
March 29nd, 2011 $457,8 USD (will be paid)

as u see, I learn %30 less than 2 weeks before., I know it.. may be I will learn less than this... But we have to give them a chance...

U are right but why USA servers speed is too low & sales are very low this week
Frnd can u help me
iam working day & night but sales are very low
friend I wish I could help, I'm not team of sonic I'm just a member like you.
I have sale problem too. We have to wait and give a chance to them for a while.

uzzlic, I know places good rates, but one of them's remote upload sucks (if u use ftp
u may try), another has daily download limit, another one (easyshare) gives 200 gb
for prem members, another one admins does not reply to emails for few days.

I know there are options, but count on me, worse than the position we are.
Yes we should give them a chance, I agree with you djkelaj. But I also think that they should tell use what is happening. Even if they will not pay one week, ok they will upgrade server, not spend money on whores, but tell us what is happening, don't have secret in front of people who make you money. At the and, we are all part of FileSonic team and we all have the same aim, strong filesonic with good payments for uploaders and speed server for downloaders. Aren't we?

So, Hish, let us know what is happening, please, and we will support FileSonic. We earn money, FSC earns money, everyone is happy ;)

And yes,FSC is the best at the moment.

djkelaj: i dont want to make advertise for another site but i found one really good, paying even if the users who buy premium renew the premium account, and it's about 65% for renew

Could you write here them or pm me, I need secondary host with good payment rates, that people will not download from and will avoid it because it is slow and has a lot of limitations, so people will download and buying premium accounts from FSC ;)
I do not know what you are waiting guys.Why not buying accounts through my links.
Come on guys, buy, give a little more action, do not you know that today is a bonus day.
Hmmm, this is one of my regular ritual, whining that I got more sold account.
Of course this has nothing to do with reason, but it was fun.

So, Let's Fun People !!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D

Nickpop I took your photo after write your message

Hish, i just upgrade my account to premium but why i cant do RU from FSO to FSO?
i already try so many diferent files but the result is the same

i've checked the original file and its still alive

please help me, i want to upload like a mad man and change to PPS.

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