– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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payments this week I have not received, or for me explanation. two or three weeks now very questionable payments.:(

why FSN only paid me $16.2 USD while i have around $28 USD in my account before payment day? Any explanation for this?

i have more then 15$ in my unpaid but i didn't got paid yesterday

where are you Hish

please tell me why i didn't got paid :(

Unpaid in USD: $23.02
im not yet paid from my last weeks earnings :(

Hi guys,

If you always read the news section, you can see that: "However, in order to prevent fraudulent activity, we will from now on delay our payouts by 2 business days. This means that every Tuesday, you will be paid out for your earnings from the previous week, ending Friday. "

So, your payout on Tuesday, is what you earned from Saturday to Friday !

So please stop asking about this..


Originally Posted by "panda85"
Hello sir ,
I have a comment .. please i wish from you to turn off that job : that if i have a download link from my specific upload in my own account .. that anybody can to transfer it to another download link in his account by ( remote upload from fso to fso ) . And i do not like that thing realy.
Filesonic is hot good but many uploader do not choose Filesonic because when all Articles of them posting in forums has been copied too easy.

I wish to stop that job and every body dont like that job realy!
thanks ,,

I also have similar comment panda85
I wish that you will disable function remote upload from filesonic(FSO_>FSO)
i have more then 15$ in my unpaid but i didn't got paid yesterday

where are you Hish

please tell me why i didn't got paid :(


You did not have the minimum of $15 on Friday .. The payouts on Tuesday are from Saturday till Friday.

Now you have over $15, therefore, you will receive it in the next payout!


Even Not Got The Payment.
3 weeks gone.
sented pm but no reply.
what is this?

You do not have a payment method entered! Who should we send the money to ? :) lol


Why downloads for premium users are so slow ?
I got 500 KB/s at 10 MB server located in europe

Hi !

I just tested from the link that you sent me and here is the result!


waiting to get the bonus :)

since the launch of promo, i have been using filesonic with the prime objective of selling accounts and its working smoothly... if only i started this earlier i could have made more sales on sunday! :)

damn, i have to swich over to premium sales affiliate program - for more income ofcourse :)

So i have a question Hish - if i already have some unpaid money on my account, then will it remain if i change my payment plan?
Hi, sure it will remain... Changing your payment plan has nothing to do with your current stats!


i have $19 .. i haven`t got paid yet


Did you have over $19 on 12th november?


what do you mean quantity? sorry, but i didnt get you

I mean, you said you wanted more sales on that day... But I was saying that at least the 4 sales you made, they were big ones :)

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