– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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the file : 131858681 is not owned by anyone... I am 100% sure you uploaded it via web upload.. right? You were probably not signed in when it happened..


Hi, no i upload by Ftp, and it's my own account, and i never use web browser or anything :S, i upload all files by Ftp and it's my own account, and same thing happen to me 2 times already :| i dont know what the problem.

the file : 131858681 is not owned by anyone... I am 100% sure you uploaded it via web upload.. right? You were probably not signed in when it happened..


Told you it wasn't just me... or you trying to tell me all these people are too dumb to press login before they upload their files?

I did some testing and over half my files I uploaded while logged in via web upload never appeared in my Filemanager.
exactly Coon, that's the same thing happen with me 2 times, and i ask there support and they answer same every time :| that you upload files by web browser :|

Told you it wasn't just me... or you trying to tell me all these people are too dumb to press login before they upload their files?
reverse : Dude , suddenly my payout stat has been reduced ! Why ?

It was 142+ now reduced to 120 .. :(

PS: Got one more sale :) <3

Got 4sales today <3
reverse : Dude , suddenly my payout stat has been reduced ! Why ?

It was 142+ now reduced to 120 .. :(

PS: Got one more sale :) <3

Got 4sales today <3

Hello thiru6241

If by , payout stat , you meant Unpaid Balance then it means there has been one or may be two refunds on same or previous days .

reverse: I guess refunds .. I made 60$ 2 days ago. Not it shows : $29.56

Think some one has refunded :)

PS: Here , the date is 6/02/11 ..

When will FSC stats get updates ?

It's showing : Total for Mar. 05, 2011
Hi, no i upload by Ftp, and it's my own account, and i never use web browser or anything :S, i upload all files by Ftp and it's my own account, and same thing happen to me 2 times already :| i dont know what the problem.

This file was uploaded by web upload, 100% guaranteed. I just checked the logs, and it was uploaded anonymously via the web.

Are you using some sort of upload script?

Told you it wasn't just me... or you trying to tell me all these people are too dumb to press login before they upload their files?

I did some testing and over half my files I uploaded while logged in via web upload never appeared in my Filemanager.
Please PM me some examples of these links and I'll see if they're being tracked properly.

Dude, I'm never upload my files by web browser or use any software, i use Filezilla (FTP )

how just my files goes upload by any browser ?:|

so now i don't get my premium sale? because that the my link and i posted it :|

This file was uploaded by web upload, 100% guaranteed. I just checked the logs, and it was uploaded anonymously via the web.

Are you using some sort of upload script?

Please PM me some examples of these links and I'll see if they're being tracked properly.

This file was uploaded by web upload, 100% guaranteed. I just checked the logs, and it was uploaded anonymously via the web.

Are you using some sort of upload script?

Please PM me some examples of these links and I'll see if they're being tracked properly.


Could you tell me why I can only download at about 90kbps max as a premium user?
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