FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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When i try to login in my fileserve account, i have this message from fileserve:


Please check my account!

My referral link:

Thanks in advance

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Yeah, I like Ricky.
I've always found him to be honest, friendly and informative if you've got a genuine problem. If you're another one asking the same Monday questions, again and again or resorting to insults and innuendo then I'm all for him telling people to get their head out of their asses and go and look for an answer.

If I had to do his job I'd have hired someone to find out where certain people live and fire bombed them by now.
Anyone experiencing problems with login to fileserve? ^o) It fails, and then I need to enter captcha and then I succeed to login ^o) And I can't login from fileserve manager because of that captcha thing. Also when I enter my earnings account there is no button to transfer money ^o)

Fileserve blocks Filesonic and some other filehosts. They block fileserve in return. This causes headaches for many webmasters.

People enquire to Fileserve what can be done. Ricky's solution .. you buy us some remote servers with new ip strings and we can work it so that you can remote back to us until the other filehosts catch on.

That's the wrong answer. The honesty is not in question here, it's informative too. Could be more concise though. GFY would have done.

That message is from Ricky straight to you too. Just because you don't use the backup/storage or transfer facility between hosts right now, doesn't mean you wouldn't have liked to have used it in the future if fileserve didn't just close it down for everyone.
Let's hope that Fileserve will replace 'ricky' with someone with slightly more experience in customer service.

I can only imagine he must own or part own fileserve though since if he was simply an employee 'the boss' would have fired his ass long ago. I know a lot of people complain as soon as something goes wrong. However just getting called a whiner, or given some kind of sarcastic retort or simply told tough luck is not proffesional.

Blocking other filehosts is taking away our choice as uploaders and webmasters. If fileserve is noticing a large movement of files to other hosts and not so much in return, that should encourage fileserve to step up their game not try to limit by force our choices as webmasters.

same opinion after reading some posts..
customer service should help the users (and be kind even if the questions sometimes are always the same); but when i read some answers like "Buy us some new remote servers with new IPs then it can be fixed temporarily" when someone asked if the block on the remote upload from fileserve is permanent, i start to have doubts not just on the customer service's work but on the education received from this guy..

while i was writing i saw also fuckedoff replied on the same argument.. so i'm not the only one with certain opionions..

However, it was never explained by Ricky why some hosts are blocked from the RU to Filerserve, it doesn't care; i'm starting to see that a lot of websites are posting files today in multi mirror and they are not using fileserve.
Why? simple.. Most of the uploaders have more accounts, i have fse and fso for example: i upload a file on 1 of it, then i mirror it on the other file hoster.. this gives the possibilities to the downloaders to choose their favourite file hoster, and it give also the possibilieties to the free users (potential customers) to download easier the file when i use splitted archives; this method lets me to have double earnings most of the time, especially when the free users downloads splitted archives.
but who has the power to tell to the downloaders which account they should choose? the uploaders/webmasters.. if most or the uploaders have problems with Fileserve, they have to move, so no more new links on fileserver, no more subscriptions to fileserve = no money for them.
see for example megaupload, hotfile, rapidshare: they took a lot of restrictions, uploaders have moved and it's a rarity today finding new releases with link of those file hosters..

Ricky.. keep your secret in your pocket about the block if it's so difficult for you explaining with transparency the decisions taken by your team or the technical problems encountered, we don't care..
@ anilkumar247: Yes we will be updating that so it works properly.

@ im9ure: Put into the allow list.

@ droopy & Prazsky: You get the captcha because you've entered the wrong details too many times. If this isn't the case, it is someone on your network who has done that. To take preventive measures against people who try to bruteforce users, we've implemented this feature.

We will be updating FSM and ServeZ!p to support this feature in the coming week.

@ fuckedoff: We haven't blocked anyone so the effort you put into the post has gone to waste. And buying us some new remote servers with IPs not located on any of Choopa's C-blocks would give us a hand in bringing that feature back for FSC. As far as I read, we are not the only host who has received a block. Try to put 2 & 2 together.

Instead of users putting FSC links into our remote upload and taking up slots for us to try to grab files, we've simplified it by giving users the message; the same message that users will get when they put in HF links. Now you can revert back and think what HF did.

To break your ice, I think you will have to live with my support for at least another month until a replacement is found. Very unfortunate for you mate ;)

@ -glen-: I guess your perspective of a CS rep is that he will lick the shit off your shoe-heel even when you try to smother his face with it while a friend of yours is kicking him in the balls? If some of the users had some decency or respect the favour is returned.

I'll take the comment about my education with a pinch of salt. That has nothing to do with how I address you or others. Users who have been around for some time will know I treat them with the utmost respect until they cross the line of being rude or blind to an answer that was already given on an 'above' post.

Your 'observation' about other hosts mentioned is an 'opinion'. You are entitled to that.

Good day.

@all: Regarding stats delay; this should be as normal as the fire drill that you performed back in your schooldays. You know the routine, you know that you will get back in the classroom - Likewise with us, you will be getting your money, and all stats are accounted for.

When the transfer button is back it means the stats have been fully updated.
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Nice to see you here ricky, and brilliant reply as usual. :D :D


I'm 100% sure you have another account on WJ and you made this one just to bash fileserve. anyway, people have moved away from rapidshare and megaupload not because of the restrictions but because they dont pay anymore, get your facts straight.

Hotfile had blocked every other host before they stopped paying, i didn't see anyone complain then how bad they were.

I hope that FS>FSC remote upload never gets unblocked, from i have seen this feature is mostly used by link spammers.
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O.M.G i finish my money yesterday at only 10$
at thurdays im was finish at 25$ and yesterday im upload the best movie
Fast&furious 5 in forum when im always and only 10$??? any download are counted

its only delay or what?

sry english
What causes my transfers from FS to my rapidleech server to fail with

"Couldn't connect to at port 80"

It happens to about 1/4 of transfers, and always fsdndm.

Thanks :)
If it's true that you've not blocked off other hosts then i apologise for spreading this misinformation. I have been told this was the case several times.

I have surfers that wish for fileserve and filesonic links i can't upload everything 2x since i'm on a slow conection here. Some surfers own a fileserver account others filesonic.

Cloudshadow - please don't reply directly to my posts since your fawning over ricky is grotesque, your opinion that everyone that uses remote upload between fs and fsc is a 'file spammer' is completely incorrect and has ensured that i should shun anything you would say in future with regard fileserve and Ricky's good looks.

Buying fileserve or filesonic new servers with fresh ips is not a workable solution at this time since i'm saving up to buy some food this week, i'll review this next month.....what sort of thing are you looking for? Cray industries have a sale on, would something like that be okay? Hopefully this block whatever it is will get sorted out soon since it just makes a lot more work for webmasters.

To me it seems obvious you're not simply a CS rep. Just employ someone else to do that side of it and focus on keeping fileserve at the top. It was the first to offer good rates for webmasters and still among the best. I'm not disputing this fact, and I'm grateful that fileserve forced others to offer good rates too.
@ fuckedoff: We've never blocked anyone as you will always be able to move your files to other places. Tried to move a 1 mb file lately to ANY given hosts?

For buying remote servers, it was a sarcastic joke that the problem wouldn't be solved unless new IPs were provided, though I have no doubt in my mind that these would receive a block too. Let me clarify that we don't put captchas on people that try to pull large amount of files.......
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