FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Hey , that mass rename thing is worse than any other filehost . Only FS and MU having this kind of things where the page refreshes after every rename of file .
And in FS we also have to press OK and wait for another refresh which leads to the first page again ! Lol , really sad things
Why cant u add a better File-manager ? Been long time since u have promised one
@ sairam123: Haven't we been fixing all kinds of other stuff for you (in general)? We fixed a tab, then we fixed issue for Firefox users not being able to display their files, then we got a redemption option for all of you to pull vouchers for yourself and your buddies, then we added remote and ftp servers to make life greater and not limit it to 20 minutes wait, then we fixed the MU remote so you wouldn't get banned...

The list goes on, but it is too much to type. We have priorities on things that will keep this hosting going, rather than fixing a rename function that sends you back to root - You can turn it around and say; Why are you remote uploading files with URLs in them when that wasn't uploaded by you?
It might seem like a minor issue, but it has its place in the queue.

Give us some slack..We could be imposing 400 mb max size for free users, we could be setting wait time to 25-30 minutes, we could intentionally mess with the captcha for free users so they never get a file without paying...There's a lot of things we could do to fcuk with your users and give them a headache. We just don't because we like our users.

You make it sound like we sit on our hands all day and stare. Fortunately we don't.
i am sorry for this newbie question. i cant understand exactly(my english very bad)
a file, total size 45GB, i uploaded it, 100part (451mb x 100part)
one of premium user download it within 24hrs.
i will see it in my ''My Files'' section, each parts download one times (total 100 times)
but, i will see it in my ''statistics report'' 1 download ?
thank you for your understanding.
I know this question is asked a lot but...

This is my first time asking for payout through alert pay, and i wanted to know that when do AP users get paid usually? is it wednesdays like Paypal or some other day?

You're right Ricky, keep the improvements coming! <3
I know this question is asked a lot but...

This is my first time asking for payout through alert pay, and i wanted to know that when do AP users get paid usually? is it wednesdays like Paypal or some other day?

Yes it is. Cut off date is done same day as Paypal around the same time as well.
Fileserve appreciation.

Doing great RickyFS. First time posting here. FS is my favourite filehost simply because of the fact that you guys keep doing good stuff. There are weird issues in your filemanager and things like the stats report, but they are minor issues which I know you will fix in time.

More important is the slew of features you give your downloaders and uploaders. Love the 1 gb file support and all. Also I have heard great things about your mass payouts and that of course really heartens me ;)

All in all you guys have my full support, heck I am going to use my first payout this week to buy my own premium account (which is pretty odd if you ask me). God only knows how you can afford to stay in business!

Thanks you for work here and elsewhere (yes I have seen you active in some of the 'other' forums as well). Both you and FileServe are very well regarded and your services appreciated.


Hello RickyFS,
I want to now please if you can do something so I could receive my payment today, I really need money to buy something, it will be my first payment and I really can't wait,my user name is gogo12345.
I clicked transfer to payout account on 2010-11-14(sunday) and it has been transfered on Tuesday and i clicked payout button on Wednesday but untill now it is still pending.
@ natal12345: Yes you're eligible for payout then on this coming week's payout. Our cut off time/date was Tuesday at around 3-4AM EST

@ gaju123: Comments and compliments like these gives us more purpose to show up at work and do greater and better things :)

@ all who may experience the slow file manager (due to a high volume/quantity of files) will hopefully see improvements sometime this coming week. We may know what causes :)
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