FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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u r fucking noob realy.
cause in India tomorrow is Thrusday.

Nobody gives a shit about India and what dumbass time it is there. If your too dumb to figure out what I was saying then they can skip your payment and you probably won't notice. You have no reason to freak out like that. They are not a fucking Indian company so why would they go by your dumbass time?
Gay... FileServe didnt pay me :(

I requested transfer to payout account on the 16th
then clicked payout on the 19th and its past 6-7am EST

And others here have said they recieved there payouts.

I really needed this payout today! X-(
I didn't receive my payment either....

I requested cashout yesterday. The transfer to payout account has been approved, so I clicked the payout button yesterday.

If I place the mouse over it, it says "appoved", but there is no green check mark.... just a wheel as if it was pending.

RickyFS - any chance you can, please, check my account? User: Zeffa2010

This is only my 2nd payment from Fileserve and I really need it.....

Thank you.
Received one of my pending payments.
Hope i get the other payment approved today, and get paid by the end of the day as well, like i have been in the past :D

I <3 FS :D
@ DaZeffa2010: That would mean the script didn't pick you up and will get run again on next week's payment.

@ Mr. Larri Ata: My guess would be on next week's cycle.

@ all: We will be making the clear guidelines of:

1. Transfer before Sunday 11:59PM EST.
2. ???? (approval stage)
3. Click for payout before Tuesday 11AM EST.

That should guarantee you the payment on a Wednesday.
@ DaZeffa2010: That would mean the script didn't pick you up and will get run again on next week's payment.

@ all: We will be making the clear guidelines of:

1. Transfer before Sunday 11:59PM EST.
2. ???? (approval stage)
3. Click for payout before Tuesday 11AM EST.

That should guarantee you the payment on a Wednesday.

But I clicked for payout in time to get it today!!! So, why was I left out??? X-(

I need the payout. It's not a lot of cash, but I need it.

Please, sir, check to see what went wrong. Please check my account. I requested in plenty of time to be paid along with everyone else.

1. Transfer before Sunday 11:59PM EST.
2. ???? (approval stage)
3. Click for payout before Tuesday 11AM EST.

I did all this correctly and was still left out...... :( :(

Please, check it.

User: Zeffa2010
@ Mr. Larri Ata: My guess would be on next week's cycle.

@ all: We will be making the clear guidelines of:

1. Transfer before Sunday 11:59PM EST.
2. ???? (approval stage)
3. Click for payout before Tuesday 11AM EST.

That should guarantee you the payment on a Wednesday.

Well, since i started uploading to fs, i always requested on the first minutes of monday, just waited till i could request the money of sunday too, and i always got paid on wednesday, but not since last week. Did u guys implemented something new or something???

I don't know how the system works tbh...That's the acct. dept. and not part of my job to approve people - I just know a ton of money AND people were paid. Dont know why some of you were missed out.
I don't know how the system works tbh...That's the acct. dept. and not part of my job to approve people - I just know a ton of money AND people were paid. Dont know why some of you were missed out.

Any chance you can try to find out Mr. Ricky??

Please..... my 2nd payout from FileServe, and I really need it. And soon, I want to upgrade my account too.

I do not cheat, I have no referrals, nothing.... Just my own hard-worked earnings.:'(:'(

Please, see if anything can be done....
@ DaZeffa2010: We wouldnt accuse of you cheating and if your money is in the pending for Payout it means you're good to go for $$$. I just don't know why you weren't added - that's all. You will get your money!
1. Transfer before Sunday 11:59PM EST.
2. ???? (approval stage)
3. Click for payout before Tuesday 11AM EST.

That should guarantee you the payment on a Wednesday.

My problem with payout:


Please RickyFS, can you check it, username crkvice. Thanks!

PS. This is my fist payout request and i was wondering, do you send any notification mail when payout is done? Thanks again?
@ DaZeffa2010: We wouldnt accuse of you cheating and if your money is in the pending for Payout it means you're good to go for $$$. I just don't know why you weren't added - that's all. You will get your money!

But when will I get it?? :(
Only next week??..... I needed it today, because I need to upgrade my account soon and I also need the rest of the money for other personal things. :(:(
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