FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ R®USSHIM_I™Â¯: So you're selling another service in which they'll have to pay YOU 6 USD to use OUR service to leech..? Am I getting everything right here?

@ hata28: Had no doubts in my mind that you were gonna get paid - Our system was just a little bit slow to process everyone and you were far down the list...Hence why you got it as last.
On another note... We may just be coming out with a promotion very soon when we've fixed the load issues, Remote Upload is running smooth and no more delayed stats ;)
I was wondering what would be the best to do in this situation.

I am uploading stuff that are maybe 1gb in size. How many rar files should it be divided into?

I was thinking 2-3, because i dont want to burden the downloader?
^ Assuming the downloader has a stable connection, three parts is fair. Five 225MB parts would also be fair since it accommodates those who may have a less stable connection.
@ byte_s: HF's remote upload is nowhere near half as good as ours. We are adding more remote upload servers for quicker speeds.

@ ZeroAT: [EDIT] - Yes it is delayed at the moment.

Nice to heard about it. Im gonna upload more there once the speed working as I noticed in HF.

saw in the news that webmasters programme coming soon....cant wait for it

btw stats still slow....Ricky any chance of addin more priority to stats....noticed a decline in earnings with this stats delay...might be only in my case though
hell no kenshin it affected me too. I just saw my earnings graph and wow it was depressing. I was making like 8 a day from them now down to 2
Do we need to have a premium account from a specific host in order to remote from it ?
Cause Netload, MegaUpload and Hotfile are still not working.

The only one that works is RapidShare (i have a premium RS account).
But Rapidshare is limiting downloads, even for premium accounts.

Is there a way to solve those problems ?
hell no kenshin it affected me too. I just saw my earnings graph and wow it was depressing. I was making like 8 a day from them now down to 2

Mines was at about $6 a day now it went to like $1 and is struggling at it :O

Stats system is doing terrible atm :(


WHAT IS THIS webmaster program i see in the recent news?
@ stats delayed => drop in earnings:

1. That shouldn't happen.
2. You have the choice of the site going down completely or stats delayed. Yes it is like that because there will be a server overload if we choose to turn on the stats for "real-time" update (they will always be ~30 min. delayed). So you got the choice of earning no money or making money with stats delayed. We are working on the issue and it will be fixed, and yes it is an unforeseen problem that can only occur when you test in real life (as in these situations with real users). If we had half the users we have right now, this problem would not have occurred - It only came with the rapid increase in popularity.

I thank you all for your patience.

@ ZeroAT: Earn 5% from every sale you make from your website.

@ sheeper: When did you request? We only processed all requested payment from PRIOR Monday the 21st of June.

@ ibou12: Solving these problems to make Remote Upload work with Free would be to bypass their captcha and include waiting time. This is simply not possible. Yes, you'll need a Premium Account to RU - Reports have it that it should be fine and dandy for MU & HF - Just don't overdo it.
I was wondering what would be the best to do in this situation.

I am uploading stuff that are maybe 1gb in size. How many rar files should it be divided into?

I was thinking 2-3, because i dont want to burden the downloader?

ROFL ROFL ROFL,U can upload more then 1gb lolz, depend on filehosting. 1GB is problem for u? :)) Look how our RL working.

Rar to 7.4Gb

Unrar Running

Unrar with 7.4GB size Finish!

or check it here
sorry, me and my partner currently bz in examination :(
no have time much to update forum and hosting
How long it will take for the stats to come back to normal? Its disappointing to see the drop.
Also will we be having those D/L's counted?
@ ZeroAT: I think the work they're doing is effecting our downloads. I noticed a decrease in my average downoad numbers over the last 48 hours.
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