FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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hi ricky, big time without talk with you..... i hope everything is ok.

look, i upload this files yesterday and i dont post them yet anywere, but them show some downloads (also i dont remote them to anywere):

Ricky, hope your weekend went well. Earlier in July you guys announced a series of bonus weekends but it looks like only the first one happened for July 16-17. Did the other two get cancelled?

The service seems to be running well right now, I haven't had any complaints from downloaders not being able to get files for several weeks.

ps - DarkAcidBlue, that avatar is very distracting ;)

Added after 9 minutes:

I have been waiting since 28 July for my money to get transferred in my paypal account...

Zoug - if you read through this thread, you'll see that Fileserve's typical payout procedures are:

- request payout on Sunday
- look for transfer to your payout account by Tuesday
- request payout before Wednesday 6am EST
- Fileserve issues mass payouts Wednesday mornings

Since you requested payout on a Thursday, you'll likely have to wait until the next Wednesday to see Payment to your Paypal account.

For more details, see RickyFS's post on how to get paid. Ricky is the official FS representative in this thread and he's an invaluable resource for all of us here.
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@ zoug100: Later today or early Tuesday (latest 8AM EST) it will get transferred then you have a window of 18-23 hours to request your money.

@ hyp: I was away on holiday when those bonus announcements were made/called upon. It isn't really my field (just as I can't comment on the special offers). An entire different team is taking care of it.

I can however inquire about it.
Dude wtf is wrong with fileserve these days.

Its so slow at loading the filemanager, i had to refresh the page 5 times because all my folders had dissapeared...
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