FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Hi RickyFS
I have a little issue with the web File Manager. Sometimes I remote upload some files I have from another host. Sometimes such uploads fails, but only a few times. Such failed remote uploads get logged in the "Failed Uploads" tab in File Manager, but I'm not able too delete such items/files. The "Select / Deselect all" and "Delete" buttons are now missing. I have always been able too delete such items from the log, but now it's impossible. It's not the end of the world it's just very annoying.
Please bring back "Select / Deselect all" and "Delete" buttons in the Failed Uploads tab. Please fix that little bug so I'm able too clean my failed uploads again. It's Sunday tooday soo I don't expect such little bugs will be fixed until Monday but that's fine.

PS. Thanks RickyFS for doing such a good job here.

Thanks in advance.

Added after 20 minutes:

New Filemanager ????
How to delete Failed Uploads or Pending Web files for the file "Processing" too long ?
I have the same issue starting tooday.
I'm very exited too see the new Filemanager when they start too implement it. It can only be better than the current. Even the old Megaupload filemanager was faster and more stable X-(
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Ricky, I realised that pending remote files cannot be deleted anymore? Is this temporarily, as there is a need to delete those that are not moving (still experiencing this).

I think it's slow because it's Sunday.
Let's hope why will fix all those small issues tomorrow, the servers must be very overloaded at the moment. Give the dev. people some time, don't expect it too be fixed today.
I'm nearly 100 % sure that the Remote Upload is either very slow or temporally disabled. I usually only have too try tree times max before I'm able too process links.
The remote upload facility it now completely broken, at least for me. I'm not able too add a single file. After three hours I still have 10 Pending Remote files that I'm unable too remove. After a successful and confirmed remote upload submission of 10 files I still only have 10 files pending.
I'll now take break before I go crazy :) and try too Remote some files tomorrow evening again.
I hope Ricky have some good news soon.
I'm a premium user, yet I'm barely able to download files off Fileserve. If you're reading this message, Ricky, then at the time of this writing most (if not all) files on Fileserve are a pain to download even though I'm a premium member.
First Of all remote upload on fileserve from rapidleech is very very slow in comparision of other file hosts & second problem that i m facing is that i pasted 7 files to RU but it shows me only 1 file is pending here u see -

Hey everyone.

As noticed, I do not come on as often during weekends. I do want to see the sun and not a computer screen.

I have now forwarded all related concerns regarding:
1. Slow file manager
2. Remote upload

For download speed, we are still doing a migration on servers and some may be affected. It's been going on for months because it simply just takes this amount of time.

@ lifetalk: I would love to address your issue. Can you PM me the links that you were having troubles downloading. The line on my end gives me speeds of up to 2 MB/sec, and we are in Hong Kong (across the globe from the DC)

@ Rock|The|World: I do not recognize your RDP upload issue. Please see:
Uploaded at 19.92 MB/s

If you're using Rapidleech why are you pasting them into the file manager?

[update]: I was informed that late last night the file manager would have been slow until this stood corrected. File Manager should not be slow any longer and be back up running at the normal speed.

Regarding Remote Upload, we need more details, i.e. remote upload fail:

1. The link you pasted
2. Your username
3. Time of remote upload according to FS time.

Without such information, you can start posting every day from now till next year and the problem will not be solved since we won't be able to solve it.
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I have a small question about the latest "special offer" that you have going for premium users.
When I log into my Fileserve account, I have a banner offering me $39.99 for 200 days, for a limited time only (next 7 days or so), offered exclusively to premium members.
Now, quick calculation makes that 19.995 cents/day. Regular extension at $34.99 for 180 days comes at 19.438 cent/day, which is cheaper than your special sale.

So, either you think your premium users are really stupid, or you've made a big calculation error.
FTP is working just fine for me, with one or two errors was working earlier as well.
about the special offers, yeah, they aren't so special, i usually got the normal price, nothing special in it.
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