FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Something is totally messed up with downloads.

Im getting 410's, servers not responding, stopped downloads and if I am lucky SLOW downloads - never a whole file.

I cant download a single complete file.

Tested with IDM and manually in IE.

Ricky... :(:(:(
2010-07-18 08:00:00
Dear FileServe user,There is currently a problem with some of the FTP uploads that is being processed. Some files uploaded are not being processed quick enough. We are working hard to resolve it, and will update when it is updated.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

From News
Guys...Remote isn't slow at transferring files. It is because it has queued your file and hasn't started it yet. You're most likely in a queue since it is peak hour.

We have implemented a system that restricts a user taking all the slots. It is just everyone is taking one each and we don't have enough :) Only solution is to add more servers, and so we are.

FTP is as the news said.

@ Rocksterw: Because MU hasn't set us up yet. Go bug their admin.
Okay, my remote upload frozen, 4 files added, 4 files pending for more than 20 min...

Yeah. My upload speeds, which can usually top 3 to 4MB/s when uploading to FS, is slugging along at 60KB/s right now... I'm still uploading to HF at full speeds, so the problem isn't on my side.

Something is not right.

Oh, and this is not FTP or remote upload... this is the web uploader I'm talking about.
Guys...Webupload speed = Depends on storage servers. Hence, why we're adding 120 as well this coming week. Or we add half this coming week and the rest of the supply should be for next week. Speeds will return back to normal. Promise :)

[EDIT]..We are slowly chopping down the pendings and they're kept processing. Don't cancel your uploads guys
Hi There,
I have ben using fileserve .. My uploading speed is comparitively slow for it as compared to other file hosters.. Not only that Many files do not get uploaded for some reason ...
Same issue with me for now.
Currently uploading around 30gb via ftp,there have been uploaded around 9 files so far and only 4 have appeared in file manager so far :|
Uploaded are these files via ftp
In file manager the part 3,4 are missing
As for True Blood you can see a lot of files are not there yet
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