FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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hi rickyfs check my account which is valid till 28novmber but today i was loged in i was shocked my user name is disable kindly check the present status of my account is as under mr1to37395

Payment system upgrade + New feature14 Sep 2010
Dear FileServe users,
All our users that requested payouts before our cutoff this week should have received payouts already via their preferred payment methods already.

Furthermore, we are launching a new payment management system tomorrow for everyone, and while we are doing this you will not be able to request any payouts. We estimate the payout request function to be offline between 10pm (14th Sep 2010) to 6am EST the following day. Of course there will be no loss of earnings, and no downtime.

The new system will
- allow everyone to redeem and upgrade their accounts using their earnings.
- allow webmasters to request payouts for My Site earnings.

We look forward serving you.

look forward to this upgrade. ~~
Payment system upgrade + New feature14 Sep 2010
Dear FileServe users,
All our users that requested payouts before our cutoff this week should have received payouts already via their preferred payment methods already.
my status is still approved (request payout from sunday)
@ rey2k5: At the moment, no. Later, we can - When we've run out of good ideas to improve FS ;)

@ irfan saleem: Most likely you were done for account sharing.

@ imzie: Same reason

@ masterbator: Don't run a service that's making money OFF our service without paying the cost of doing so. It's that simple.

@ mo3tez: Username and I'll see if the money has gone through to your account
@ imzie: Decision is final. Find another playground to throw some mud around.
so can i get back my acc.... if not...return back my money
@F4nBoy same at me... But i hope them not ban me.. Already ban first server where i buy accounts...

Even rapidshare didnt banned for this reason. This is stupid reason...
Ricky, the point you mentioned about getting banned for account sharing is pretty worrying. How do you check if the account is shared? For example, if I use the account on a Windows VPS to download and upload files from fileserve, how are you going to determine that I am not sharing the account with someone else? o_O
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