Fileserve closes it's affiliate program - who's next on FBI target list?

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From my prespective, 99% of people that are reading this message are greedy bastards.

You douchebags have been uploading Copyrighted content non-stop, without stopping to think that what you guys are doing is probably wrong, and you've been making a couple bucks with very little efforts, while people who's been creating and investing on that content are the ones who's had a loss, not you!

One thing i gotta say, we all gotta say that we saw this coming!

I lolled when I read this bullshit.
The people who created this now live in a house that we all together couldn't even afford. A loss? LMAO, an entertainment company does not work to survive, they work to maximize their profite and if they wouldn't be so greedy, people wouln't even interested in warez.

This is all about balance, the balance between legal and illegal. Both are important. If warez is completely banned, tomorrow you will pay a fortune to be able to legally poses for example a movie.

Tons of people admit that so far, the entertainment industry has been using DMCA and so for abuse. Like kicking little starting companies out. Now that's not supposed to be greedy and ripping of right? Get your facts right or get lost bro. You're on the wrong forum to promote the legal side of life, cause in case you didn't notice, I don't give a rat's ass about copyrights and I hope the inventor of SOPA gets aids and dies tomorrow.
Drop dead if you ever downloaded something copyrighted form internet. If you are still alive you are fucken hypocrite.
Cant stand ass holes virtual or real, anyone who had ever even one mp3 song on pc dont have right to preach.
And you are idiot if you cant see that this is much more than few coins from fileserve.

Well you're the idiot who uploads in hopes of making money off copyrighted material. You deserve to be in jail right next to the Mega- company.


Originally Posted by RapT1le
From my prespective, 99% of people that are reading this message are greedy bastards.

You douchebags have been uploading Copyrighted content non-stop, without stopping to think that what you guys are doing is probably wrong, and you've been making a couple bucks with very little efforts, while people who's been creating and investing on that content are the ones who's had a loss, not you!

One thing i gotta say, we all gotta say that we saw this coming!

I lolled when I read this bullshit.
The people who created this now live in a house that we all together couldn't even afford. A loss? LMAO, an entertainment company does not work to survive, they work to maximize their profite and if they wouldn't be so greedy, people wouln't even interested in warez.

This is all about balance, the balance between legal and illegal. Both are important. If warez is completely banned, tomorrow you will pay a fortune to be able to legally poses for example a movie.

Tons of people admit that so far, the entertainment industry has been using DMCA and so for abuse. Like kicking little starting companies out. Now that's not supposed to be greedy and ripping of right? Get your facts right or get lost bro. You're on the wrong forum to promote the legal side of life, cause in case you didn't notice, I don't give a rat's ass about copyrights and I hope the inventor of SOPA gets aids and dies tomorrow.

Exactly but you are wasting your time on geese brain, he is idiot...
I lolled when I read this bullshit.
The people who created this now live in a house that we all together couldn't even afford. A loss? LMAO, an entertainment company does not work to survive, they work to maximize their profite and if they wouldn't be so greedy, people wouln't even interested in warez.

This is all about balance, the balance between legal and illegal. Both are important. If warez is completely banned, tomorrow you will pay a fortune to be able to legally poses for example a movie.

Tons of people admit that so far, the entertainment industry has been using DMCA and so for abuse. Like kicking little starting companies out. Now that's not supposed to be greedy and ripping of right? Get your facts right or get lost bro. You're on the wrong forum to promote the legal side of life, cause in case you didn't notice, I don't give a rat's ass about copyrights and I hope the inventor of SOPA gets aids and dies tomorrow.

Bitch please!

I don't give a fuck if they loose billions, but these dudes like you, and many others are honestly fucking things up, Uploading won't obviously be over if some 'filehostings' discount their Affiliate plan.

Like i said before.. lets take these bitches back to '07
Please, stay calm, no need for swearing and cursing.
If your life was dependent on this, then I must say you belong in category: stupid.
We only want a polite discussion here, don't like to report users and see people banned, because they've turned in emo idiots, abusing other users. This is a news section.
No it indeed is not about money. It's about downloaders who want to watch or use their content for free. The few millions that we make every month from uploading copyright material, the entertainment industry doesn't give a shit, it's not even 0.01% of what they make. This is just about censorship.

I remember 10 years ago when the internet was free. Today you could get arrested for recording and uploading a fart that resembles too much to the music of Justing Bieber.
One more bone head who will wake up....well never. This is not about money you moron

Oh, so now this is not about money?
Did you see the thread tittle?
Or, are you retarded?
Or, perhaps you blind?
Or, maybe you got a few cells at your brain missing?
Or,... who knows?

Anyway, keep doin watcha doin' cuz we need ya haters!
From my prespective, 99% of people that are reading this message are greedy bastards.

You douchebags have been uploading Copyrighted content non-stop, without stopping to think that what you guys are doing is probably wrong, and you've been making a couple bucks with very little efforts, while people who's been creating and investing on that content are the ones who's had a loss, not you!

One thing i gotta say, we all gotta say that we saw this coming!
Mr. Moral , try to see evan bigger picture . piracy is not killing anyone , no one dead cause of the piracy , no one stayed hungry cause of the piracy . nothing big happend cause of the piracy . they lost some money , they are already liveingl ike kings , have millions of dollars .

piracy is like robin hood , we are "stealing" from rich ppl .

yea i know what are u gonna say , i am a cash whore bla bla bla , if that is your only argument , so it be !
You all keep saying this isn't about the money but this thread is about the closing of an affiliate program which is paying people to upload warez(material deemed illegal to share for free). You upload this illegal material and profit on it. If its all about sharing as it was back in 06-07 then filehosts wouldn't have to pay uploaders like they do today. Every uploader thread on this damn forum is all centered around profiting.

"Which host pays the most"
"Which techniques can I use to maximize profit and time usage"
"My paypal is terminated now how do I get my 5$ from FS?"
"Filesonic canceled my account for illegal material, but I only upload movies."

Tell me again how this uploader scene isn't about money. I know downloaders don't care about making money but the people who upload to!
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