Fileserve closes it's affiliate program - who's next on FBI target list?

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A older (in his 60s) friend of mine asked me why so many people are against SOFA's! He said he likes to sit on his and sometimes takes a nap on it in the afternoon.
Just a couple of weeks ago, Santa was in a better mood.

If I were Ricky I would, apart from removing the links, remove any references to the affiliate program in the news section of the affiliates.

this thread is worse than a popular youtube comment page!
littered with trolls.

I believe that everyone who is stupid enough to think that we dont live in a corrupt world, and that mr simon cowell and justin bieber HAVE TO HAVE the fraction of profits that piracey takes away.

MegaUpload is taken down and accused of taking $500 million from mr cowell and justin bieber in a period of 7 years, that is pennies in there world! hollywood can earn this in 1, yes ONE week!

this is ball shiz, none of it makes sense to me and many others!
So ask yourselves, is this really all about money? - or is there something far more sinister in motion.. Do we live in a world of fascist conniving ppl trying to accelerate natural selection. out with the old, in with the new?

Im not sure about that, but what I do know is a storm is coming and if we can't find someway of fighting back.. tomorrows world will be an apple eating POP listening 'perfect' society and there will be no hope left. RISE ABOVE THE BS before its too late :facepalm:
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this thread is worse than a popular youtube comment page!
littered with trolls.

I believe that everyone who is stupid enough to think that we dont live in a corrupt world, and that mr simon cowell and justin bieber HAVE TO HAVE the fraction of profits that piracey takes away.

MegaUpload is taken down and accused of taking $500 million from mr cowell and justin bieber in a period of 7 years, that is pennies in there world! hollywood can earn this in 1, yes ONE week!

this is ball shiz, none of it makes sense to me and many others!
So ask yourselves, is this really all about money? - or is there something far more sinister in motion.. Do we live in a world of fascist conniving hitlers trying accelerate natural selection. out with the old, in with the new?

Im not sure about that, but what I do know is a storm is coming and if we can't find someway of fighting back.. tomorrows world will be an apple eating POP listening 'perfect' society and there will be no hope left. RISE ABOVE THE BS before its too late :facepalm:

Yes it is twisted and they are all file nazi's and they do not want you or many others to make any money off their work.

Crap, I just wasted 20 minutes reading the whole thread.

Well that is 20 minutes you will never get back!
this thread is worse than a popular youtube comment page!
littered with trolls.

I believe that everyone who is stupid enough to think that we dont live in a corrupt world, and that mr simon cowell and justin bieber HAVE TO HAVE the fraction of profits that piracey takes away.

MegaUpload is taken down and accused of taking $500 million from mr cowell and justin bieber in a period of 7 years, that is pennies in there world! hollywood can earn this in 1, yes ONE week!

this is ball shiz, none of it makes sense to me and many others!
So ask yourselves, is this really all about money? - or is there something far more sinister in motion.. Do we live in a world of fascist conniving ppl trying to accelerate natural selection. out with the old, in with the new?

Im not sure about that, but what I do know is a storm is coming and if we can't find someway of fighting back.. tomorrows world will be an apple eating POP listening 'perfect' society and there will be no hope left. RISE ABOVE THE BS before its too late :facepalm:

"your" world is as corrupt as you want to make it.

You don't have to buy any media if you don't wish to. Cowell, Bieber, Gaga, whoever, shouldn't be of any concern to you. What they do, how much they make......nada.

They make their money without stealing your shit or forcing you to buy what they produce.

If someone was preventing you from earning what you should, would you do something about it.......or lay down and take it ?
"your" world is as corrupt as you want to make it.

You don't have to buy any media if you don't wish to. Cowell, Bieber, Gaga, whoever, shouldn't be of any concern to you. What they do, how much they make......nada.

They make their money without stealing your shit or forcing you to buy what they produce.

If someone was preventing you from earning what you should, would you do something about it.......or lay down and take it ?

Cowell, bieber and EVEN gaga are of no concern to me, U clearly don't understand what I'm saying.
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Just a couple of weeks ago, Santa was in a better mood.

If I were Ricky I would, apart from removing the links, remove any references to the affiliate program in the news section of the affiliates.


wouldnt matter.. its still cached.. and hell. you just made a screenshot proving it :facepalm:
however all file-hosts should know these things about copyrighted contents will be there and my opinion is tat they should pay to all uploaders who worked hard, before they close tat is call, giving them what they achieved but these filehosts are shiity atleast be ike wupload and also everyone who say you uploaded pirated contents please shut up becaz do you think we can share our family pictures to earn some money :P
The problem is why they didn't announce it,That they closing it like WUPLOAD did in mature way.

maybe you should read their rules...

21. Editing, Deleting and Modification.
We reserve the right in our sole discretion to edit and/or delete any Content, documents, information or other material appearing on the Site.

they have the right to change anything. at any time.

they didnt have to tell you shit.

its your own fault for having faith in a host, and by trying to make a living uploading illegal files.
I lolled when I read this bullshit.
The people who created this now live in a house that we all together couldn't even afford. A loss? LMAO, an entertainment company does not work to survive, they work to maximize their profite and if they wouldn't be so greedy, people wouln't even interested in warez.

This is all about balance, the balance between legal and illegal. Both are important. If warez is completely banned, tomorrow you will pay a fortune to be able to legally poses for example a movie.

Tons of people admit that so far, the entertainment industry has been using DMCA and so for abuse. Like kicking little starting companies out. Now that's not supposed to be greedy and ripping of right? Get your facts right or get lost bro. You're on the wrong forum to promote the legal side of life, cause in case you didn't notice, I don't give a rat's ass about copyrights and I hope the inventor of SOPA gets aids and dies tomorrow.

You made my day. I feel I am not wasting time to read all of this issue ;)
The problem is why they didn't announce it,That they closing it like WUPLOAD did in mature way.

No the problem is no one got their final pay out, just admit it and then you will be able to move on with your quest for more uploading cash.

WUPLOAD did the last pay out that is why it was mature, right?

Even though Willy still was selling premium after you stopped getting paid and was still making money off your files he paid you 1 more time so he was good. Now if he did not pay you he would be the second biggest rat bastard next to Rick, am I right? That is how it would have worked out isn't it?

Stop crying about money you basically stole from someone else!
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