Active Member
Why my Profit Mode auto change from 100% of Downloads to 70% of Sales???
My password is very complex.
My password is very complex.
dude I'm downloading at 90kbps max with JDownloader :unsure:
Why my Profit Mode auto change from 100% of Downloads to 70% of Sales???
My password is very complex.
Group B 101-500MB 1000DL = 9$ Japan 103 MB 193 DL = 0.824$ :facepalm:
Upload very Slow
Download speed is also very slow.
Only 46KB/s for free users
Max. download speed for Free users: 150-200 kbps
Max. download speed for Registered users: 250-400 kbps
And My Account Premium ?
welcome to wJ
do u pay by payza or only paypal is allowed
Download speed is still not ok, I was downloading with speed 1 MB/s but now only 50KB/s, and my account is premium.
please check again about speed issue.
Check now and tell me.