- Up to $35 for downloads or 60% of sales&rebills (Official Thread)

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@Putloader >> tested, Work fine with Jdownloader.

@Filepost >> please update for remote upload from FSC...i'm still get error when remote upload with premium FSC.Thanks.

Once again, have you read my previous message in the thread? You are getting an error that your FileSonic account has been deleted, so check your account first.

hi xyzu . If u are owner of a domain and verified on FP make sure to link

in that format

and not (without ref no)

even if the domain gets verified.

Was confused also about this ref.links they have (non premium like).

We clear this with FilePost so put everywhere the ###### (whatever u have)

It is just a different format B-) they have (that's why we were confused too :facepalm:)

No-no-no. If you participate in program for site owners, you do not need to use any links - after your site is verified, all sales from it will be automatically counted in your account.

Ref link is used only for the referral program - when you attract new partners. So if you place a FilePost banner to your site for example and want to attract new partners with it, then use the link with the ref number.

Ref. number has nothing to do with site owner program.

I hope that is clear.


why no Revenue when i got rebill ?
my id avotaku , please check it

Please contact our support team via the ticket system, they will resolve the issue.
Dear filepost, some of the things i upload are multi-gb. I'm not uploading 10 different parts;people dont download things with that many parts.
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for weeks i hear you say that...
you loose every day uploaders to keep that silly 400mb download max for free downloaders

a good host do that much faster , now its like a never ending story 8-)
for weeks i hear you say that...
you loose every day uploaders to keep that silly 400mb download max for free downloaders

a good host do that much faster , now its like a never ending story 8-)

We already have done changes according to the requirements of our users and partners, and we are working on new features. And our hosting has been working for less than a month officially!

I have repeated that cause people do not read anything and continue asking.
I readed the comments and saw your answer.
but i just dont under what is the big deal to change it?
until you make it us feature,just make it 1gb limit.
I readed the comments and saw your answer.
but i just dont under what is the big deal to change it?
until you make it us feature,just make it 1gb limit.

As you may know, some forums/sites even forbid files larger than 400MB - cause people tend to upload several GB files that are difficult to download without premium for example. That is how forums protect their users who would like to use free download option.

We are not going to change just the limit, we will announce a range of flexible settings for partners, and since that is not one setting, but multiple, they all are worked on together, and they will be announced together.

I really hope for your understanding here.
Would like to make some summary of the couple last weeks. I hope that will be useful.

We are glad to announce the completion of new servers setup with total capacity of 1000TB, and we can already see more intensive file upload process - several times more intensive than before! All available upload methods function without troubles now, and with stable upload speed. Nevertheless, as promised, we are working on increasing upload speed for Europeans - new servers in Netherlands are expected to come later this week, after that we will start their setup immediately!

The last two weeks of our work were primarily devoted to improving our site inner interface. We have gathered lots of suggestions from the experienced uploaders, and no one of them was disregarded. The main changes affected our file manager. And we honestly consider FilePost file manager as the most convenient one on the market. We will mention some of the changes only:

1. Improved file export tool - now a partner can create and save his own file format for export.

2. Ability to show up to 200 files per page and save the chosen value.

3. Improved file copy and move features, especially while working with a large amount of files.

4. Totally reworked ‘Removed Files’ section, what is important - now it is possible to clear a list of removed files.

5. In order to prevent any misunderstanding download statistics in ‘File Manager’ section is synchronised with the main download statistics (within ‘Statistics’ section).

6. Improved work with the public folders.

7. Improved file search mechanism.

Also let us describe some other improvements:

- Lots of our partners have already switched to PPS plan. And we have added an important tool to monitor the sales tendency - please pay your attention to the new tab Sales Statistics - here you can find all available information about sales and rebills from your files!

- Taking into consideration multiple requests, we have added optional site verification by meta tags - now blog owners can automatically verify their sites.

- We have also added a feature for premium users that allows to retrieve access to the account.

- And the last one - you should have noticed that we started using social tools, so we ask you to join and follow us in Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Join us - and you will be the first one to get FilePost latest news!

We hope that you would appreciate our efforts to react to your wishes in a fast manner. Stay tuned - there are more changes coming!

FilePost please can you check my PM.
I send it on your mail 1 hour ago.

Answered, please check.
thanks FilePost for all detailed upd's and glad we helped a bit in suggestions for adding new options in FIlePost FManager ;)

we like the blog idea u have since this is something unique ;)

accurate as always!

p.s. apart from FREE file size for visitors/free users (which will be considered sometime this or next month) hope considering changing cat.251-501 to 251-451 as someone else suggested in the near future since this is only a reduce in 50mb but critical in order to adopt some competition ;)

I was really impressed with the design and uniqueness. But there are many things that this company has to improve.
1. Shitty remote-upload speed, 6 Files from fileserve says "Starting" from 1 hour.
2. Premium accounts are expensive as compared to other file hosts.
3. Free User can download upto 400mb.
How fast can I get a payout?

As a rule, it takes maximum a few days to process your payout request. If there are no additional questions about your traffic, there should not be any delays with the payout process. You can see a status of a payout in your account. 'Approved' status means that your request has been approved, and the transaction will be processed in the nearest future. Status 'Declined' indicates that our support team will contact you with some questions about your account and files. Status 'Completed' means that the money has been transferred, and you are supposed to get it as soon as possible.
I submitted a payout request however I was asked to provide information about my traffic resources. What should I do?

We reserve a right to investigate traffic resources of our partners in order to eliminate any cheating. So please send us a list of forums/sites/blogs links where you distribute your FilePost files (links to the specific pages with the links). Usually such verification procedure is required for new partners and once only.
That is kinda creepy, most of us upload warez, If they take that statement seriously then we all won't be able to get paid.

@FilePost, you should really do something about remote-upload, without proper remote-upload speed uploaders cannot even think about doing work with you. Whenever I get registered with a new filehost, I check its remote-upload speed first.
When I generate links from my files, some characters becomes a code.
For example:
"(" becomes "%2528"
")" becomes "%2529"
"ñ" becomes "%25C3%25B1"

So, instead of:
you get:

Links works ok, but are much longer and difficult to read.

You are doing a great work :)
As you may know, some forums/sites even forbid files larger than 400MB - cause people tend to upload several GB files that are difficult to download without premium for example. That is how forums protect their users who would like to use free download option.

We are not going to change just the limit, we will announce a range of flexible settings for partners, and since that is not one setting, but multiple, they all are worked on together, and they will be announced together.

I really hope for your understanding here.

Which forums? I've never heard of any and either way you're losing traffic and money from regular forums by catering to just those with a 400mb limit.

People who download HD content have more money, FYI.
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