- Up to $35 for downloads or 60% of sales&rebills (Official Thread)

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To everyone: Also, if you face slow speed for remote upload - the process slowed down due to a large amount of files in the queue - still the files are being uploaded please do not worry. If some files still have problems please report that to me or our support team.

yeah but I could since 5 hours just upload one file size 80 MB :( , my upload speed do not fast I can't upload the file via FTP or Web two times, so I need to transfer my files from RS to FP, but with this way how could I do a thing :( .

please if you can do anything ...

All who were upgraded can check that in their accounts.

what is the time interval between downloads for free users?

That should be no more than 300 seconds for unregistered customers and much less for the registered ones.

can i uplod porn???

You can upload any legal files that do not break copyright and olther laws. For more details please check our Terms and Conditions page.

yeah but I could since 5 hours just upload one file size 80 MB :( , my upload speed do not fast I can't upload the file via FTP or Web two times, so I need to transfer my files from RS to FP, but with this way how could I do a thing :( .

please if you can do anything ...


The files should be uploaded finally, still there may be some delay with that. Please try to cancel that file upload and start it again.

download speed is very fast. Could you upgrade your download limit to free users to 1 gb?

What country do you have the speed from?

Remote Upload
Starting in long time
file 100 mb
3 hour not compleate

please check

thank you

We ask you for the patience here, today we have faced slow upload, however it should become normal. Sorry for the troubles.
Hello FilePost

I tried some another file host links, I put Wupload links and some of them have already done.

but Rapidshare links always I get this error:
(Sorry, the uploaded file size does not match the original one. Please try again)

so please if you can check RU from Rapidshare maybe there is an issue with it, maybe not just low speed.

yes I did that, but still in starting, so you said that tomorrow the speed will be fine ?

Hello FilePost

I tried some another file host links, I put Wupload links and some of them have already done.

but Rapidshare links always I get this error:
(Sorry, the uploaded file size does not match the original one. Please try again)

so please if you can check RU from Rapidshare maybe there is an issue with it, maybe not just low speed.


Actually there is no queue anymore for file upload, thus upload should be stable now. We will also check RapidShare upload.
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