- Up to $35 for downloads or 60% of sales&rebills (Official Thread)

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US Company = another hotfile

How US ISPs are going to cooperate with RIAA and MPAA companies about piracy questions
Hello to everyone,

As we know, the Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Association of America started discussion of copyright infringement fighting methods with Internet Service Providers of USA a couple years ago.

Lately one more step has been taken towards this goal. Recently US ISPs and RIAA with MPAA started the process of preparing new policies that would allow to punish ISP users who participate in illegal file sharing process. According to the official reports, such ISPs as AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast were involved in the negotiations.

The process of punishing should look like that:

1. Copyright owner finds out an act of infringement, finds out information about the user who is responsible for the infringement and passes this information to the internet service that provides the service to the user.

2. The ISP sends several written warnings to the user, if they do not work, then the ISP can take the following measures:
- decreasing internet bandwidth speed for the user
- setting up limited access to the web (access to only 200 top sites may be allowed)
- making the user to take educational program about copyright questions.

Noone means total termination of access to internet as a possible measure - just some warnings and notices from the beginning. Also participants consider the whole program to be more educational and preventive rather than having only punishing goals. They do not like the fact that the program and future agreement got an image of forcing in the press.

Apparently, the White House is also involved in the negotiations and takes its stand, however its role in the whole process is not clear now.

Taking into consideration all recent lawsuits (some of them seem to be absolutely ridiculous for internet users and not that proved), making agreements between RIAA/MPAA and internet service providers are inevitable, clear 'game rules' must be set up later or earlier.

What do you think about the future of these negotiations and thus internet 'rules'?
Hello FilePost

There is a serious bug, in Files manager

here is what I did:

I created new folder and inside this new folder I created another folder then I moved my files from root to last folder I created, then all files disappeared also folders.

I think this issue shows up when we move a lot of files at once to subfolder, please fix it. I have now 53 files active and I can not see them in my files tab, and I opened a ticket for this issue yesterday but I did not get reply yet.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I got support from the support team .. Thank you.

Please check my PM :)
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On your banners is a mistake ......
you promote at your banners only up to 30$ for 1000 downloads .... ?

Added after 51 minutes:

Not allow porn ......
uploaded 1 file before i post it somewhere it was already removed ......
you never gonna be a great host ...

bye bye
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@ All who requested premiums - please check your accounts and pm inboxes.

I will also answer all the concerns one by one:

1. Country table.

Thanks to anyone who commented on this question - we will monitor the situation and may make changes to the table in the future.

2. FTP upload from Europe.

At the moment we have the only datacenter in USA and we provide the highest possible upload speed mainly from US locations. However we have upcoming plans to add storages in Netherlands, but we don't know how soon they will be added so far. And unfortunately a premium account will not fix this. We are sorry for possible inconvenience.

3. Remote upload.

If you have any technical issues do not hesitate to report them to our support team at, just please provide the file links you have problems with. Our technicians at the moment are working on remote upload mechanism to make it as stable and error-free as possible.

@Sonic - we are not going to be the second hotfile at all. We just monitor the news in the industry and share them with our partners and users. Our goal is to build a strong community.

@digiman87 - Add your sites to our program for site owners - you will earn from sales then.

@lawina - Yep,the banners show not the maximum rate, but an average one. Still we pay up to 35USD for downloads - you can check that on our site. Also, please pm me your id or e-mail, I will check what has happened to your file.

@fibbo - We plan to create a flexible scheme for partners that would allow them to control this limitation themselves.
Hy FilePost, can you upgrade my account ID 12468 to premium?
Thanks in advance!

PM'd you. Please also let us know what files you would like to distribute and where. You can pm me these details, thanks)
Hello FilePost

is there something wrong with RU?
I am trying to transfer my files from my Rapidshare account since 3 hours but it does not work, sometimes just stay at starting status and sometimes gives me this error (Sorry, the uploaded file size does not match the
original one. Please try again)
it was working before some slow but it was working and now it does not work, and I have already contacted FP support and give them some links that I am trying to RU and I am waiting for solution.

I hope this will be fixed soon.

Hello FilePost

is there something wrong with RU?
I am trying to transfer my files from my Rapidshare account since 3 hours but it does not work, sometimes just stay at starting status and sometimes gives me this error (Sorry, the uploaded file size does not match the
original one. Please try again)
it was working before some slow but it was working and now it does not work, and I have already contacted FP support and give them some links that I am trying to RU and I am waiting for solution.

I hope this will be fixed soon.


We are making investigation about this delay at the moment. The reason could be in a large queue of files for upload, our engineers are looking in the situation now.
@Eman80 - sent you a reply back.

Just wanted to mention to anyone that you have detailed statistics available in your account - you can review stats by file group separately, stats for sales, stats for each country - that all is available under My account - > Statistics section.
FilePost please add a button to delete the completed files on the remote upload section. Also there is a problem checking files when you try to delete them or retry in the remote section.
FilePost please add a button to delete the completed files on the remote upload section. Also there is a problem checking files when you try to delete them or retry in the remote section.

Yep, remove/retry option seems to glitch - have passed that to the engineers, will solve the issue.

To everyone: Also, if you face slow speed for remote upload - the process slowed down due to a large amount of files in the queue - still the files are being uploaded please do not worry. If some files still have problems please report that to me or our support team.
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