Hello! We have switched our system to 1 currency, USD. Now all financial calculations are more simple and better. As you know, it's high risk business and billing fee is high too. We had to include transaction fee in the price, which is 21%. Calculations are next. Current price is $12.95. $12.95...
3-5s loading Statistic is faster than before.Yesterday i got 2 new 1 month sale,it means 99,9% they would become rebill next month.I had more rebill than sale since i started using datafile.
If datafile limit again it will be remove in many big broads.2 gb limitation is acceptable compare with other filehosts( most famous hosts limit free user can not download files bigger 2 gb)
Renewal?what can i see.as i know,you can only see sale(rebill) in one columm
What you mean the limit 20 gb/3 days like oron before?If premium user used up 20 gb,he must extend premium member to continuous download?
I see they going to change the limit 20 gb
Btw,today i got 3 months sale 16,2175 $
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