- Up to $35 for downloads or 60% of sales&rebills (Official Thread)

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@wys126608 - yes, we have to make some changes in country table, some countries get higher while others go to lower groups. Our decision is based on the statistics we have gathered for the latest weeks about the traffic from these countries.

Also we have more news today:

Earlier we announced plans to create additional marketing settings for partners, and we have received multiple contradictory comments, thus we have decided to think over such flexible settings better. Still the feature that is requested by all our partners and users is increased file size for download for free users. We think it is not worth delaying with this change, thus since today default maximum file size for free downloads is set up to 1024MB!

What is more, we have revised other limitation values. We have implemented a popular among file hostings scheme that implies a limitation for downloaded amount per hour - 100MB can be downloaded for free for an hour. We would like to note that such limitation does not prevent from downloading a 1GB file at once for example - in this case after the file download it will be required to wait for some period of time calculated according to its size and 100MB/hour rule. We consider this scheme as a suitable compromise for our partners (earning both from PPD and PPS plans) and users.

As for the mentioned marketing settings - we do not put them off, they will be implemented in the nearest future. We are open for your suggestions regarding these settings - so feel free to send your requests to us. We would like to give uploaders as many flexibility as possible in controlling aspects of downloading their files.

As for the country table rearranging - we have analyzed the traffic for the couple latest weeks and we have to make some changes - some rises and some lowerings, we have done our best to make the changes equivalent in results.

Thus, the rises are: we are moving Japan and Poland to B group, and Hungary goes to C one. And some lowerings: Hong Kong goes to C group, Thailand and Taiwan - to D one. We have to make these lowerings since the statistics for the latest weeks clearly shows that the ratio between sales and downloads from these three countries is very negative. And for example we have raised Japan since we have great hopes for it, Japan language will be available soon as well.

Your feedback and suggestions are welcome!
PM sent, please check :)

Thank you, replied.

Good bye filepost~

I regret to listen about that, and I would not hurry if I were you. The thing is that Taiwan and Thailand are in group D at all file hostings - and that is rather logical. And you know that free users get very good speed values at FilePost - thus that still guarantees you good revenue. So you could continue working with us and see the results - and make the decision only after that.
Download capacity Free 100MB/hour
Is this mean free user can only download 100MB/hour? If yes, what happen if free user downloading file that bigger than 100MB ?
the can ryand , if the download a file from 400mb the can download it ,
only for the next file the have to wait 3 hours then.....
Download capacity Free 100MB/hour
Is this mean free user can only download 100MB/hour? If yes, what happen if free user downloading file that bigger than 100MB ?

the can ryand , if the download a file from 400mb the can download it ,
only for the next file the have to wait 3 hours then.....

A free user can download a file up to 1GB now. Once the file is downloaded, he just will need to wait for some more time to download the next file. 100MB per hour - this is the base limit that allows to calculate the waiting time. So if a user downloads a 200MB file, he will be able to download a next file in a couple hours. These limitations are done to keep the balance for everyone - users and the partners who earn from downloads/sales.

the secound oron site....
can we switch self ore plan PPD ore PPS now ?

Sure, you can, since you have received a payout already. The measures' goal is to keep the balance for everyone.
I think you must have option Free User Download Limit 400mb & 1GB.
100MB/hour rule very bad. I don't join plan download but I think user will very hate it and maybe they will don't want use Filepost because they can find it at Filesonic, Oron...You need friendly more, when everyone know you, they will buy more premium account.
I think 500mb/hour or wait 30 min/download is better 100mb/ hour.
When they try visit your page many time, they will tired and buy premium. But when they see need wait more 2-10 hour to download next file, they will not visit again, and will forget Filepost to find Filesonic or Oron....
Why you don't pay via Euro? $ will not fair with us
I love your country table rearranging.
Still waiting EU servers...
And a very honestly question, where are you from ? Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, Russia, Singapore or which one ?
All are hosting such as filesonic, wupload, they had published their info in their website.
I think you must have option Free User Download Limit 400mb & 1GB.
100MB/hour rule very bad. I don't join plan download but I think user will very hate it and maybe they will don't want use Filepost because they can find it at Filesonic, Oron...You need friendly more, when everyone know you, they will buy more premium account.
I think 500mb/hour or wait 30 min/download is better 100mb/ hour.
Why you don't pay via Euro? $ will not fair with us
I love your country table rearranging.

As for EURO vs USD question, let me repeat once again please: We calculate your revenue in USD, but according to the exchange rate between USD and Euro, thus you get the money calculated from EURO price. For example, for a month premium sale (that is 10euro) you get 8.40 USD.

As for choice of a file size for download - as was mentioned in the news, we still consider these flexible options for partners. And 1GB size was requested by the most partners, that is why we have implemented it. You still can use any file size for your files.

As for the limitation for download volume -the limitation is inevitable, users wait for some time at every hosting - here the time depends on file size. If you have smaller files - your users will have shorter waiting periods.

Added after 11 minutes:

And a very honestly question, where are you from ? Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, Russia, Singapore or which one ?
All are hosting such as filesonic, wupload, they had published their info in their website.

And an honest reply to you :-) - our company is registered in Hong Kong. We have an international team with the top-managers coming from three different countries. We work in the same manner with the whole world, with all countries - Eastern and Western ones.
Last edited:
As for choice of a file size for download - as was mentioned in the news, we still consider these flexible options for partners. And 1GB size was requested by the most partners, that is why we have implemented it. You still can use any file size for your files.

I mean you should add option to our can choose limit between 400MB and 1GB. Because I don't want free member at my site can download file more 400MB 8-)

and what happen with my file?
"We are sorry, the server where this file is located is currently unavailable, but should be recovered soon. Please try to download this file later."
I mean you should add option to our can choose limit between 400MB and 1GB. Because I don't want free member at my site can download file more 400MB 8-)

and what happen with my file?
"We are sorry, the server where this file is located is currently unavailable, but should be recovered soon. Please try to download this file later."

Yes, I understand that you mean the choice for the option, and as was mentioned, we still consider such changes to be done. Since you are the site owner, you should just specify this rule officially for your partners and make them follow it.

Please pm me the file ID.
And an honest reply to you :-) - our company is registered in Hong Kong. We have an international team with the top-managers coming from three different countries. We work in the same manner with the whole world, with all countries - Eastern and Western ones.
I want to know where is your office ? (or all work from home, from managers to coders ?)
since today default maximum file size for free downloads is set up to 1024MB


well done FP B-)

we were expecting/predicting early september ;) this critical change.

and thanks for changing it by default to 1024mb (in order to avoid some trouble with forums etc.)
@wys126608 - yes, we have to make some changes in country table, some countries get higher while others go to lower groups. Our decision is based on the statistics we have gathered for the latest weeks about the traffic from these countries.

Also we have more news today:

Earlier we announced plans to create additional marketing settings for partners, and we have received multiple contradictory comments, thus we have decided to think over such flexible settings better. Still the feature that is requested by all our partners and users is increased file size for download for free users. We think it is not worth delaying with this change, thus since today default maximum file size for free downloads is set up to 1024MB!

What is more, we have revised other limitation values. We have implemented a popular among file hostings scheme that implies a limitation for downloaded amount per hour - 100MB can be downloaded for free for an hour. We would like to note that such limitation does not prevent from downloading a 1GB file at once for example - in this case after the file download it will be required to wait for some period of time calculated according to its size and 100MB/hour rule. We consider this scheme as a suitable compromise for our partners (earning both from PPD and PPS plans) and users.

As for the mentioned marketing settings - we do not put them off, they will be implemented in the nearest future. We are open for your suggestions regarding these settings - so feel free to send your requests to us. We would like to give uploaders as many flexibility as possible in controlling aspects of downloading their files.

As for the country table rearranging - we have analyzed the traffic for the couple latest weeks and we have to make some changes - some rises and some lowerings, we have done our best to make the changes equivalent in results.

Thus, the rises are: we are moving Japan and Poland to B group, and Hungary goes to C one. And some lowerings: Hong Kong goes to C group, Thailand and Taiwan - to D one. We have to make these lowerings since the statistics for the latest weeks clearly shows that the ratio between sales and downloads from these three countries is very negative. And for example we have raised Japan since we have great hopes for it, Japan language will be available soon as well.

Your feedback and suggestions are welcome!

Japan to B!! finally!! is it implemented yet?
100mb/hour waiting time is very bad:facepalm:

i think people would hate filepost and dont want to download from filepost link

pps ppd both wont get any good from this 100mb/hour rule

hope FP theam can chang it to 1000mb/hour
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