- Up to $35 for downloads or 60% of sales&rebills (Official Thread)

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What a free user should get....he is getting it...if he wants speed...he should become premium...This is as simple as that...Provider Free user with speed and why he will buy Premium?
What a free user should get....he is getting it...if he wants speed...he should become premium...This is as simple as that...Provider Free user with speed and why he will buy Premium?

no dude... u r wrong...

whether he may be free user or premium.

speed depends on ur ISP and the package u choose irrespective of free/premium membership u got in filepost
no dude... u r wrong...

whether he may be free user or premium.

speed depends on ur ISP and the package u choose irrespective of free/premium membership u got in filepost

let the downloader change isp...and if he is not happy with the speed even after becoming premium...he can ask for a refund...and about free user...there should be limitations for them...coz they are not paying anything to our hard

Those people who dont like to wait...they get premium...whereas a person who is determined not to spend a penny will never ever buy, come whatever may
How about this? Do you even take a look at my account?


RU from FileServe has more errors today than usually (you can see the error reason if you place the mouse over the error label), however that is cause we have problems with getting files from their side. Our engineers will investigate the issue and we will ask for FS assistance if required. For now please retry the uploads or try some other upload methods/hostings.
my acount banned yesterday :( yeah I leaft the rulles :facepalm: sorry FP :( I know I not follow the rulles but for my FP is 1 of the best file sharing
does filepost stop user RU from other filehosts if there are too many unpopular files taking up their storage space.
i try RU from other filehosts since begining of dec but everytime it stay in queue mode for a long time in the end after a few hours i just cancel it, i read from this thread other users claiming RU work great?
so i should start deleting files before RU work? i have close to 600gb right now but all are upload/RU before dec2011.
i love this diplomatic answers :)

i really don't know why UL speeds are so SOoooooo bad . as you can see on my blog i am not adding FP links for some time , and started using FJ insted , so i am not triping , i see what i see and no one can convince me that everything is ok with speeds . it is not problem with connection , cause i am uploading to filesonic at awesome speeds , so not problem with me .
and , NO filepost , you don't need to answer anything to this , cause i alredy know the answer (if you are EVAN planing to answer this)

You may believe me or not, however if you contact the support team (may be pm me your information), we may investigate the situation and see what may be wrong with the upload speed. Sometimes the DNS routes may be not optimal and we ask users to connect by ftp to our IP address directly after checking tracert details (and that helps to increase speed significantly), we check accounts/ask for some technical information - and that helps to improve the speed.

same here thanking about banning filepost on my all 4 forums and try to make all my frd to ban filepost too... it's use less if user can download or upload.

X-( what a wait of time... trying on it. about to give up on filepost... seen 1st day it's fucking hard to upload/download.

this cud me my last reply to this thread.

Sorry to hear that, however for sure every user and every partner are free to choose the hosting that meets their needs.

download speed for free users...awful.

i commented already..but he needs technical details.

we belong to Rest of World

i don't know what the hell he do with that...he is very adamant meaning he want technical details to research:))

the same files when D/L via filesonic,fileserve...even filejungle give good speeds;)

such a good site but download speed sucks:facepalm:

I am sorry, if you don't want to contact us for support then I can not help here. You should understand how complicated any file hosting system is, so we need details to see what is wrong.

no dude... u r wrong...

whether he may be free user or premium.

speed depends on ur ISP and the package u choose irrespective of free/premium membership u got in filepost

Every file hosting grants better speed for premium users - and that is clearly written in any file hosting terms. That is what premium accounts are for. Please understand that each file hostings pays its expenses and affiliate program payouts out of sales and its own pocket also.

let the downloader change isp...and if he is not happy with the speed even after becoming premium...he can ask for a refund...and about free user...there should be limitations for them...coz they are not paying anything to our hard

Those people who dont like to wait...they get premium...whereas a person who is determined not to spend a penny will never ever buy, come whatever may

I agree with you. That is normal practice for file hostings - if a user wants more advanced service, he can obtain a premium account. If he does not like it, he always can cancel it or refund.


What is the max storage size for free user?
Is it unlimited like filesonic?

It is unlimited. Just please note that inactive files of free users are stored for 30 days since the latest download day.

Why are speeds so slow?


Pm me your email address please.

How about this? Do you even take a look at my account?


Sure, I did. I will look into your situation again and into the current situation with RU.

I can't upload using my sborg from yesterday .........


What's the problem ?

We are not responsible for the work of third-party service like sborg, sorry. Their engineers sure can contact us for any assistance if required.

RU doesnt work since yesterday

Pm me your email address.

does filepost stop user RU from other filehosts if there are too many unpopular files taking up their storage space.
i try RU from other filehosts since begining of dec but everytime it stay in queue mode for a long time in the end after a few hours i just cancel it, i read from this thread other users claiming RU work great?
so i should start deleting files before RU work? i have close to 600gb right now but all are upload/RU before dec2011.

Pm me your email address please, I will check the situation with RU.
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