Does anybody know whether Mediafire Premium provides fast remote uploads? similar to Wupload RU speed or at least transfer 1GB file within few minutes.
Anyone having problems with RU?
I am trying to RU from Filesonic and the status is Queued for days. Same time I RU to Crocko, it RUed instantly.
Do Filepost give priority to Premium members even for uploading?
Hi Hish / Marco,
It seems that Remote Uploads works fine except when there is a space within the file name or in the file URL.
It returns with two separate links on the File status as follow:
Invalid Link...
hi hish / marco,
When you try to remote upload a file that has a space on the file url, does it automatically recognize as two separate files?
I have remote uploaded a lot of times with files that contains space on its url and successfully uploaded but just now it happends to get two links and...
Dear Hish,
Is it possible to add a option to change background colors? from white to black
It is just too bright and I would like to protect my eyes. Please help.
I love the new look. It's a simple and sleek design.
The only down side is that search bar is now on the far right hand side.
I hope it moves back to left hand side where it used to be next to "UPLOAD" or "NEW FOLDER" etc.
P.S. Please bring back the folder collapsing function and please allow...
Hi uploading_support,
Is FREE 1 week premium coupons code still valid to use?
When I tried the coupone code you have provided I get this message "Sorry Coupon already used!"
I think everybody learned a lesson.
You should never go for a lifetime or yearly membership. Just renew it every month if you have to..
Do not rely on a single file hosting company, always have a secondary backup host. More the better.
Hi Willy,
How come 1 month ago, I paid US$9 and now it is US$12 due to currency exchange rate.
Shouldn't it be 6 EUR to be fair?
Even Filesonic still charge US$9..
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