- Up to $35 for downloads or 60% of sales&rebills (Official Thread)

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Bye Filepost!
Bye :)

I really don't know why you guys upload +5 TB in files only to generate very low amount of sales or downloads. focus on promoting your files not in upload more and more files, 5 TB in files is sufficient to generate sales and downloads as well.

Did you know that each HDD costs a lot of money?

on my hosting I am paying $22/month for 500 GB HDD.
maybe we bye bye this slow host ?
get out

filepost about HDD you fixed , 5tb for me not enough
Your account is free or premium????


Bye Filepost!

thank you so much! Without spammers upload their shit (alike you), uploaders alike me will can upload faster and earn more :))
Filepost is the best site at this time, I love their rebills so much. Now, I don't use Filesonic anymore after try Filepost. With rebills, I can earn money more Filesonic.
Fucking hell people, if you don't like remote upload stop being a cheap arse dickhead and rent a server or a vps, if you want something for nothing without any fucking effort then stop with your bitching, god, what are you little 11 year old pre-pubesent fuck head raped by your father who don't understand that if every twat like yourself in the world who can't be arsed renting a server is using remote upload it is bound to be bottlenecked. Get a server/vps or shut the fuck up.


Obviously not slow... the power of a server. Want faster upload? Get a server.
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Fucking hell people, if you don't like remote upload stop being a cheap arse dickhead and rent a server or a vps, if you want something for nothing without any fucking effort then stop with your bitching, god, what are you little 11 year old pre-pubesent fuck head raped by your father who don't understand that if every twat like yourself in the world who can't be arsed renting a server is using remote upload it is bound to be bottlenecked. Get a server/vps or shut the fuck up.


Obviously not slow... the power of a server. Want faster upload? Get a server.

Lol, i love these simple people, instead of a discussion, you get this rambling.
Hi FilePost Supporter,
I can't edit my payment detail, the link in email not work :(

And can you upgrade my account to premium? I'm uploader :D
Account ID: longnh

Thank and regard
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