- Up to $35 for downloads or 60% of sales&rebills (Official Thread)

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i think filepost is not ready for big time yet ... download and upload is slow plus with the expected huge wave of new uploaders, it will only get worse if they do not act by acquiring new servers FAST
I will restart upload in FilePost the next week, hate overload periods when nothing work as should :(

Good luck the new bunch of spammers comming from WU, FP staff is going to have some hard days (yn)
omg i don't even know there's such a limit .. all my files are like 400mb+
This limit doesnt make sense, in fact freebies can download 1 file per hour at 150KB/s (Weight Max 1GB), FilePost is good for post quality content and earn from PPS + RevShare

For PPD there are better hosts.
one more question.
If I'm on ppd and somebody buy a premium membership under my file, and in the future I will change my plane to pps i will receive money from thir rebills or not?
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