FileOM/Xerver...what we do now??

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News, where is the support?
when the date of payment of the current balance ?
and when they start to pay the debt that you buy from FileOm?
Many questions, few answer ......
Total balance accumulated very large .... almost 3 months! :facepalm:

No answers questions by private
mailouts unanswered
skype not responding
I smell a scam! :thumbdown:

You are filling our inbox with Pm's cadagoto. You cannot expect us to reply to 3 of your PM's every hour.

Please be reasonable. You have been replied to and you keep sending the same messages to support.


News, where is the support?
when the date of payment of the current balance ?
and when they start to pay the debt that you buy from FileOm?
Many questions, few answer ......
Total balance accumulated very large .... almost 3 months! :facepalm:

No answers questions by private
mailouts unanswered
skype not responding
I smell a scam! :thumbdown:

You are filling our inbox with Pm's cadagoto. You cannot expect us to reply to 3 of your PM's every hour.

Please be reasonable. You have been replied to and you keep sending the same messages to support.



answer only what you want :facepalm:
not respond all questions
Check them again!
News, where is the support?
when the date of payment of the current balance ?
and when they start to pay the debt that you buy from FileOm?
Many questions, few answer ......
Total balance accumulated very large .... almost 3 months! :facepalm:

No answers questions by private
mailouts unanswered
skype not responding
I smell a scam! :thumbdown:

You are filling our inbox with Pm's cadagoto. You cannot expect us to reply to 3 of your PM's every hour.

Please be reasonable. You have been replied to and you keep sending the same messages to support.



Rory, I see that you reached out to me on Skype, unfortunately I have been in disaster recovery mode with my primary PC (lost 1 of my 6 SSDs in a RAID 0 array) so I wasn't online when you messaged me, however I have responded to your message and will remain available to you for a few more minutes.

For the reasons outlined in my Skype IM, its in your best interest to make it a priority to respond to me on there ASAP.
Xerver's main intent was to acquire the customer base of FileOM. Paying Affiliates is not in their priority list right now.
A good customer base is necessary to ensure sustainable growth. Since Xerver is new in this field such an easy acquisition of customers was a tempting offer for them.
The problem with the acquisition is that if Xerver does not pay FileOM's affiliates people are going to lose faith in Xerver.
Their main thread is now going to be flooded with queries and soon it will become a spam heaven for disgruntled affiliates.
Sid successfully got himself out of the picture without incurring any loss.

The customers come with the affiliates. If affiliates start dumping a filehost, there will be nothing left. People buy accounts because of the content provided by the affiliates, not the storage provided by filehost.
may be you all guys dont know about few things that happened in backside of fileOM, if xerver not taken fileOM means => fileOM may vanish in wind without paying a single penny or they may pay you half, as their debt is big,

=>> due to ddos, server, bandwidths, technical team. thats why they're more stable
==>> lot they payed to porn boards as prepayment

<<== they not shaved any => thats the reason for their loss, still RG/K2S/UL shaving big, we all know that, but thats their fate, they have to pay as prepayment, but UL/rg/k2s shaved for paying to porn boards, but after that they shaved for Profit. may be you wont believe, but thats the truth..

their custom script, allow them to shave in single click of button

keep2share,, RG paying big money to that boards, and shave big => you may think the amount paying to that big porn boards is low..? that is $xxxx , also they have to pay as prepayment.

i am one of the friend of Filesgrasper , as he counted exactly without a single shave of sale of penny, his sale is not improved, also he payed big money to boards and lot of things, but another thing that added big headache to him.

Paygate => no paygate allowed auto-rebill for fileOM, this is what i tell as main reason for debt, he got more and more premium sales, but user have to rebill manually, here is the place he failed, he tried his best with paygate, but still for unknown reason, he not succeeded.

4-5 % to paygate.
65 % to affilaite (75 % /85 % for big affilaite)
5 % - 20 % for sites sales
5 % - 10 % for referrals (all big uploaders are referral of that board admins, then only that board allow him)
4 % exchange fees
big prepayment to po*n boards
high end server cost, technical team (he have good team)

and still lot of expenses.

Finally his parter also took some money, finally he endup with debt.


now xerver come to scene with really big money, there business model is simple and planned to stabilize first in filhost industry, so they not enrolled in po*n boards. (if something small thing affect means, they loose all big money from po*n boards, so stabilization and network to handle big traffic must before enroll their)

mean time, fileOM is filled with debt, and may move vanish in naytime paying little to affilaite, here xerver told filegrasper, they will pay affilaite soon or later, and in final stage, still not completed i think), that is not small money $xxxxxx +

Xerver is ready to pay, but they pay them slowly (or) if xerver not taken fileom means => xerver do their own business, FileOM vanish in less than week and fileom afffilaite endup with "Zero" . so still xerver admin is waiting for affilaite reply.

Final word.
Xerver analysed fileOM fully, and they found they can move fileOM to profit with their "Auto-rebill" enabled paygate, so only fileOM/xerver deal is happeneing now.

i am sure, xerver will pay , people have to trust. patience matters.
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So you are saying the only reason filehosts are in profit and working is due to the 'hidden auto subscriptions' where people get rebilled either without fully knowing, whether they want the service or not with no simple way to cancel?

That is a flawed model that sounds dodgy as hell ... roll on the disputes , but maybe you are right, I had to cancel my debit card to stop RG taking $ from me

- But happy for xerver to take over, hopefully nothing change and we can all carry on
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but that is how filehost earn, filegrasper initially not asked for autorebill thing in deal with paygate, may be thats the reason paygate not changed its settings.
even he changed paygate, but they also not allowed.

Rapidgator earn from deleted files rebills too, but auto-rebills is for all files, user have to cancel it by themselves.
I cant understand why some people would not think this is a good thing xerver taking over, fileom are gone now deal with it.

Xerver have auto rebill which fileom never had that so everyone should get a lot more rebills and we can hopefully also carry on making good sales from our files when they are moved to xerver.

I dont think there is anything wrong with auto rebill (subscriptions) as long as users have an easy option to cancel if they wish.

I have over $3000 in my fileom account but I am not expecting xerver to pay me all that money straight away, at least with this proposal you will have a chance of getting your money.
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thats what i also expecting, as xerver have auto-rebill as default, so earning will be double for fileOM affialite (atleast bigger than old), also thats why Xerver calculations endup with making a deal.

so better guys you can reply, accept deal in xerver thread, so they accept and move files, other wise with a simple click of button "imported database from fileom" will be deleted in xerver, and fileOM users endup with zero..

only fileOM affilaite decisions matters here :) double earning (if they work like before or same in fileom) or zero from old fileom balalnce.
thats what i also expecting, as xerver have auto-rebill as default, so earning will be double for fileOM affialite (atleast bigger than old), also thats why Xerver calculations endup with making a deal.

so better guys you can reply, accept deal in xerver thread, so they accept and move files, other wise with a simple click of button "imported database from fileom" will be deleted in xerver, and fileOM users endup with zero..

only fileOM affilaite decisions matters here :) double earning (if they work like before or same in fileom) or zero from old fileom balalnce.

the big question here : why sell to xerver ? why don't sell to another who have financial capability like terafile ?
So I should agree knowing full well I'll never see my money (for all the reasons I outlined in Xerver thread)?

Great outcome, indeed.

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
the big question here : why sell to xerver ? why don't sell to another who have financial capability like terafile ?
no, I guess most affiliates don't give a shit why they sell to Xerver. the main question now is to where we should upload new files from now, to Xerver or to FileOM? this is something not clear yet...please clarify.

I have no problem with Xerver's terms here. and to Xerver, I guess it's better you just ignore those who keep pressuring you about their pending payment in FileOM. if they dislike the terms then they should just gtfo from this discussion thread or chase that filegrasper for the money.
First I'll start off by saying, wow this was shocking, I logged onto wjunction today expecting to reply to FileOM's thread saying #1 host, but I find out he has ran away with people's money and sold/gave his company to xerver.

I've been working with fileom for about 6 months now and always received payment on time and everything, however the past month Filegrasper didn't pay and made excuse after excuse.

I knew eventually this demise was going to come, it was inevitable, Filegrasper is doing what he does best and getting out before it's too late.

He has done this in the past with his image hosting company.

This is an unfortunate situation FileOM owes $150,000 or more in debt to affiliates and isn't going to pay ever.

I know for a fact Filegrasper has the means of paying that debt inside of his bank account, he has made/profited/taken in ATLEAST if not more than $1,000,000.

He has chosen not to pay because, to him fileom is a failed project for him now.

He is going to do what he always does in a few days/weeks/months he will come back to wjunction under a new account and open up a new file sharing site and redo this process.

- VersaceBoys

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Shocking too!

There're some folks saying how good fileom is everyday..
Fund frozen? They have lots of payment gateways, and over 30 resellers trading with them..

Looks like everything is well planned, taken uploader's big money and ran away..

Sure it is biggest scam of 2014 ..
with in a few months xerver would just disappear with everyones money just like fileom.

they will just give you a few payment to make it look like everything's alright an then delay payments all of a sudden.
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with in a few months xerver would just disappear with everyones money just like fileom.

they will just give you a few payment to make it look like everything's alright an then delay payments all of a sudden.
so could any other company you use, most people are uploading warez so you can't complain when things go wrong.
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