FileOM/Xerver...what we do now??

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This is why the sales stats were so good, fileom never have the intention of paying his affiliates, file0m only wanted to motivate uploaders to post more fileom links to fuck them deeper, i will never ever join a U.S registered company again, they are all scammers!

About this so called "Merge" between "" and scam of the year file0m it is looking like a scam rebill..... well we got fuck one time and now you ask us to resign for an another trip,
I don't believe in file0m story, threir funds have not been frozen, and their payment processor is working well, filegrasper just run away with a big amount of cash that he stole from his affiliate.

Xerver you don"t have reputation yet, you are a newcomer and the terms and condition of your rescue (my ass) attempt is already hurting your reputation, the terms and condition are unacceptable!

- 10 month payment plan is an insult to any uploader inteligence, in 10 month you'll probably have vanished like fileom.
- 80¨% quota is like enslaving the uploaders, how about free time and hollidays,

Peter south was right from the beginning, i knew he was right from the beginning too, and now he is still right, we should all delete our files, file0m is dead and might be the biggest scam of the years, who's next?????

Instead of expressing your discontent, it would be better all affiliates supported the idea of ​​a merger, than as soon as possible we will be paid. Xerver must be sure that no one leave fileom. Please guys, who appreciate what i said, like it. Admin must know that all who liked, will stay with fileom or xerver, does not matter.

Xerver is not doing is best to make uploaders stay!

@Baze, Edit your signature, it so so ridiculous at this moment

There are things that I know of that were going on which I won't ever say out of respect for the privacy of those who shared this information with me. I knew where this was going in the last few days, specifically when I almost lost my cool and said something along the lines of "F*©* ​You FileOM!".

Sid would lie to me and say the company got sold and that he would remain the manager (he was the owner all along), or would ask me again for my banking account info, and then would say he was wiring me the money; in fact 100% of the things he said to me in recent weeks was a lie.

To be honest, I got burned REALLY REALLY bad by this motherfucker, and for the last couple of weeks I have already come to the realization that I will never see the pretty significant amount of cash that he burned me for.

In his defense I don't think he planned to burn people for much of his existence. However in the last couple of months, primarily when I FINALLY agreed to sign on as an affiliate of his (he kept trying to sign me on for months) he had gotten to the point where he knew he had a failed business model (he has no clue on how to operate a business) and that it was time to generate as much cash as he could and bail.

I already have a number of things in motion to make life difficult for him, some of which he probably already is aware of now. So Sid if you are reading this and want your suffering to stop then you better pay up bud, because it only gets worse.

PS - Thanks Fredonino for your kind words :)

Added after 7 minutes:

Dear Users

Please note that because of Fileoms cash flow problems (Their payment processor did limit their account) they have been in a really bad situation.

The site has over 150,000 USD of debt that it needs to pay.

We have 24 hours to pay the outstanding server bills with his host and keep the site alive.

We were the only site willing to do this, you might think this is a scam, but what do we gain by scamming you?

It was a "Proposal", you do not have to accept it. If affiliates do not want to continue, then Fileom will go down and no one will get paid, because Fileom has no money.



Ummmm, I'm sorry thats just not how things work.

You assumed FileOM's debt which includes their hosting which you are now saying you have to pay by today. Well when you assumed that debt you also assumed the debt filegrasper had with myself and that needs to be paid too.

I do sincerely feel bad for for being tricked by filegrasper into absorbing his debts because clearly they have no clue what they're in for. can feel free to contact me directly to initiate the bank wire transfer process on the debt in which they now owe. Because I honestly do feel bad for being tricked into this I won't be a dick and charge interest on this debt. After the debt has been cleared I will then evaluate for a possible affiliation; and I will evaluate them on a fair equal playing field with every other file host on this forum. - Pay up

Added after 8 minutes:

Guys we need to quickly take this offer as our downloaders wait and xerver said that domain or server costs dont remmber will finished tomrrow so we have to decide qucikly

Honestly, look at what happened after Oron went under, your downloaders will understand and will just switch to whatever filehost you decide to use next.

I personally can tell you that I know 100% for a fact that over 1 million FileOM links (half of which were mine) have been deleted in the last 12 hours. And I'm just one affiliate who is not alone, everybody should delete their FileOM links.

How to easily delete your FileOM links in bulk (windows):

Get a copy of jitbit macro recorder, and browse to:
hit record in jitbit macro recorder

select all
page down to bottom of page and click delete
press enter for popup confirmation box
page up to top of page

stop record in jitbit macro recorder
replay your macro 500x (or more) in jitbit macro recorder
watch and smile as your fileom files disappear.
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sorry to disturb but please reply

i can see only the advantages in this merge to xerver. letting aside what are everyone's opinion about what Siddhart did/didn't do, if we accept the merge and we continue working with xerver, we practically have nothing to lose in comparison to deleting all the files and moving to another host. if we stay, we dont have to repost all our files (wich takes a lot of time) and we even have a chance to get back the money we are owned. lets say we dont get it back...but if we got nothing to lose....why not try? fileom is gone anyway, why not try to save what we can. fileom has an established rank in the market, our links have probably millions of backlinks (wich we will not have if we move to other filehosts, because it takes months for backlinks to get spreaded)...i dont know...this is just my opinion...its shitty what happened but we need to think clearly and try to save what is left, and take advantage of fileom's rank and our links wich got so spreaded all over the internet and bring sales from places where we never thought of sharing (backlinks are the main advantage, and very big advantage, of staying on a filehost a long time)
i can see only the advantages in this merge to xerver. letting aside what are everyone's opinion about what Siddhart did/didn't do, if we accept the merge and we continue working with xerver, we practically have nothing to lose in comparison to deleting all the files and moving to another host. if we stay, we dont have to repost all our files (wich takes a lot of time) and we even have a chance to get back the money we are owned. lets say we dont get it back...but if we got nothing to lose....why not try? fileom is gone anyway, why not try to save what we can. fileom has an established rank in the market, our links have probably millions of backlinks (wich we will not have if we move to other filehosts, because it takes months for backlinks to get spreaded)...i dont know...this is just my opinion...its shitty what happened but we need to think clearly and try to save what is left, and take advantage of fileom's rank and our links wich got so spreaded all over the internet and bring sales from places where we never thought of sharing (backlinks are the main advantage, and very big advantage, of staying on a filehost a long time)

Can you explain what you mean by backlinks being a "very big advantage"? I don't see where any of my website's have backlinks from or what any advantage would be having 430,000 backlinks that all come from one domain (in fact this would hurt your SEO pretty badly with Google...)

And as far as re-posting files are concerned, this personally won't take me much time, maybe 5-10 seconds at most to run the MySQL query, of course it will take my servers a day or two to automatically cURL my files to another host which I'm already in the process of doing (sorry hasn't paid their debt to me for FileOM so they're not a candidate for being uploaded to at this time).
i can see only the advantages in this merge to xerver. letting aside what are everyone's opinion about what Siddhart did/didn't do, if we accept the merge and we continue working with xerver, we practically have nothing to lose in comparison to deleting all the files and moving to another host. if we stay, we dont have to repost all our files (wich takes a lot of time) and we even have a chance to get back the money we are owned. lets say we dont get it back...but if we got nothing to lose....why not try? fileom is gone anyway, why not try to save what we can. fileom has an established rank in the market, our links have probably millions of backlinks (wich we will not have if we move to other filehosts, because it takes months for backlinks to get spreaded)...i dont know...this is just my opinion...its shitty what happened but we need to think clearly and try to save what is left, and take advantage of fileom's rank and our links wich got so spreaded all over the internet and bring sales from places where we never thought of sharing (backlinks are the main advantage, and very big advantage, of staying on a filehost a long time)

Can you explain what you mean by backlinks being a "very big advantage"? I don't see where any of my website's have backlinks from or what any advantage would be having 430,000 backlinks that all come from one domain (in fact this would hurt your SEO pretty badly with Google...)

And as far as re-posting files are concerned, this personally won't take me much time, maybe 5-10 seconds at most to run the MySQL query, of course it will take my servers a day or two to automatically cURL my files to another host which I'm already in the process of doing (sorry hasn't paid their debt to me for FileOM so they're not a candidate for being uploaded to at this time).

wow, i am impressed
i have much to learn if i see how others do (y)
Well all I understand is that being a smaller uploader makes me basically screwed not like the bigwigs above.

I do not have constant sales so the 80% is moot for me and I'll never ever see my fileOM pay.

Thanks a lot for nothing.

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
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I remember I had warned users in fileom thread ... not to use this host!

Filegrasper ( the biggest dramaman I have ever seen!) had cheated people before with his imgmoney imagehost ... he suddenly sold the site to bitload without making payments of affiliate.... I was really surprised why was he not banned for that obvious scam .... really hats off to filegrasper and his dramas which esacped him from a ban that time.

Finally after grasping lot of money from user this guy has ran away ... thank god that he has been banned this time
Who is gonna continue working with xerver please like this post so we can confirm how many ia accepting the offer

I would like straight away, but I still haven't gotten a reply to my question which I've asked several times by now.

I would imagine that they're absolutely inundated with shit right now so it doesn't surprise me that there are people saying that they haven't had questions answered.
I would like straight away, but I still haven't gotten a reply to my question which I've asked several times by now.

I would imagine that they're absolutely inundated with shit right now so it doesn't surprise me that there are people saying that they haven't had questions answered.

Yeah, I understand.

But without getting a clear answer (as to how this controversial "80% rule" affects smaller contributors), I can't - in good faith - agree to anything at all.

It's not like I enjoy sitting in such an enforced limbo. But I have everything in hold until all this is satisfyingly clarified.
I would imagine that they're absolutely inundated with shit right now so it doesn't surprise me that there are people saying that they haven't had questions answered.

Yeah, I understand.

But without getting a clear answer (as to how this controversial "80% rule" affects smaller contributors), I can't - in good faith - agree to anything at all.

It's not like I enjoy sitting in such an enforced limbo. But I have everything in hold until all this is satisfyingly clarified.

Yeah, I'm very leery of any file host that thinks they can just acquire a new file host and retroactively change the terms and conditions of the affiliation.

That'd be like suddenly having your government contact you and say, we know you paid your taxes last year but we need some more so we're going to charge you an extra 80% on last year's income for which we already taxed you on.... Think a government official would get re-elected if they tried to pull that shit? I think not...

Added after 8 minutes:

Now that has publicly acknowledged their takeover of FileOM's debts I think it might be more productive for us all to migrate the thoughts and ideas of this thread into the official support thread. This way everything related to this issue will be in one location and can be more easily acknowledged by both and their affiliates...

This is just an idea, everyone else is free to do what they want and I'll continue to monitor this thread at the very least until this all shakes out. Offiical Thread:
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Xerver's main intent was to acquire the customer base of FileOM. Paying Affiliates is not in their priority list right now.
A good customer base is necessary to ensure sustainable growth. Since Xerver is new in this field such an easy acquisition of customers was a tempting offer for them.
The problem with the acquisition is that if Xerver does not pay FileOM's affiliates people are going to lose faith in Xerver.
Their main thread is now going to be flooded with queries and soon it will become a spam heaven for disgruntled affiliates.
Sid successfully got himself out of the picture without incurring any loss.
Xerver's main intent was to acquire the customer base of FileOM. Paying Affiliates is not in their priority list right now.
A good customer base is necessary to ensure sustainable growth. Since Xerver is new in this field such an easy acquisition of customers was a tempting offer for them.
The problem with the acquisition is that if Xerver does not pay FileOM's affiliates people are going to lose faith in Xerver.
Their main thread is now going to be flooded with queries and soon it will become a spam heaven for disgruntled affiliates.
Sid successfully got himself out of the picture without incurring any loss.

Couldn't agree more on this.

That is why I said earlier that I kind of feel bad for, but after all it was's decision to accept Sid's offer, and I can tell you for a fact that I know of more than one file hostswhich rescinded Sid's attempts to sell FileOM in the last several weeks.

Furthermore the point I keep repeating is that if is publicly stating that they are paying FileOM's debts owed to hosting provider(s) (which said they were paying within 24 hours of the acquisition) that they should pay the affiliates as well. In my mind is equally responsible for eliminating the debt owed to affiliates as it is to eliminating the debt owed to the hosting provider(s).

Now that has publicly acknowledged their acquisition of FileOM I think that they should be held to the same standards as any other file host. Frankly I do not see why they should be allowed to retroactively enforce terms and conditions to their affiliates who never agreed to such terms to begin with. I honestly think that needs to be told that they must pay off all FileOM debts by some specific date or they will be banned from this board, just like FileOM and many other scam hosts in the past have been banned for.

And as far as saying that FileOM's payment processor was down, I'm sorry this is simply not true. If the payment processor for FileOM was not in operation then we wouldn't have seen the sales continue as they did. So I really still continue to call bullshit on this whole thing because clearly there is enough cash flow here...
All right seeing xerver taken oven fileom no problem but to make those stupid rules about payments an percentages is utter crap.
You WILL lose most of fileoms supporters as far as I know lots of people have already left fileom and forums which are already not accepting fileom links.

Plain an simple pay the affliates an you will gain their trust the longer you take the more worse it gets.I am willing to stay I will even bring in 10-15 sales a day if you want I have no problem with that.
News, where is the support?
when the date of payment of the current balance ?
and when they start to pay the debt that you buy from FileOm?
Many questions, few answer ......
Total balance accumulated very large .... almost 3 months! :facepalm:

No answers questions by private
mailouts unanswered
skype not responding
I smell a scam! :thumbdown:
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