Somehow I do not believe those remaining payments will be handled in 2 weeks ...
Can you give me Premium and what happened to all my files ?
Hello Filegrasper; I am interested in working with fileom for a long time; can you tell me a bit about it; how long is fileom working with affiliates? are there any legal problems so far? what are future plans, will you in business for a long time? do you have any other filehosts?
i sent you a pm filegrasper, please check. thank you.
Hey our issue has been resolved. We will be sending all those payment thise week or at the worst next week , once certain agreement with payment processor done.
We may come back with weekly payout or 15 days timed payout. But all will be going to be on time.
Hey our issue has been resolved. We will be sending all those payment thise week or at the worst next week , once certain agreement with payment processor done.
We may come back with weekly payout or 15 days timed payout. But all will be going to be on time.
Donot worry , we do have enough funds to pay all. Just be patient and we will make that happen. And also , i said you will see fast payment than before as soon we pushed this payment. We are getting things stable thats it.
Donot worry , we do have enough funds to pay all. Just be patient and we will make that happen. And also , i said you will see fast payment than before as soon we pushed this payment. We are getting things stable thats it.
[warn=Attention]Hello Petersouth,
I would request you to please start reading your messages before you hit a submit button. Please stop bad-mouthing others. Please read rules and start respecting members instead of telling them to "F*CK off". This is not acceptable here and you might get infraction.
to OP(filegrasper):
I understand that you are having trouble with your payment processor so i am giving you one more chance.
You have been given till 14th aug time and if you failed to settle this payment problem with your users then you will be banned for scamming..[/warn]
Give this week time and you see your money comes to bank and then decide.
We will be on track again. You have to get patience. And then you know we don't lie.