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What new payout method is needed?

  • Payoneer

    Votes: 94 39.7%
  • Wire Transfer

    Votes: 66 27.8%
  • Both

    Votes: 77 32.5%

  • Total voters
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Somehow I do not believe those remaining payments will be handled in 2 weeks ...

You will come here and said you are paid in those frames.

Can you give me Premium and what happened to all my files ?

If there is no premium and no activity then obviously , it will expire. Send me your username.

Hello Filegrasper; I am interested in working with fileom for a long time; can you tell me a bit about it; how long is fileom working with affiliates? are there any legal problems so far? what are future plans, will you in business for a long time? do you have any other filehosts?

FileOM is working for more than 1.5 years , and we abide to laws in the country we operate. And also , fileom is getting a new look and localization to many languages . We dont own any filehost atm.

i sent you a pm filegrasper, please check. thank you.

all pms will be replied tomorrow.
Hey our issue has been resolved. We will be sending all those payment thise week or at the worst next week , once certain agreement with payment processor done.

We may come back with weekly payout or 15 days timed payout. But all will be going to be on time.

You promised me that you were going to wire me the funds on Monday August, 4th. I have repeatedly tried to contact you via numerous forms of contact and you have ignored me every time except for the one occasion where you simply dodged the question.

Please confirm that the funds were sent via bank wire to my account on Monday August, 4th as you had promised they would be; at the same time please stop playing amateur games by dodging this simple question.

Just so you know, as a direct consequence for the terrible way in which you have handled this, several of us have already put a full stop on any FileOM uploads. Also at this point we're strongly considering whether or not to completely delete our files from FileOM and permanently ban FileOM links from being posted on all of our various websites.

FileOM is on very thin ice with us right now.
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Over 1 month! When and Why?
Hey our issue has been resolved. We will be sending all those payment thise week or at the worst next week , once certain agreement with payment processor done.

We may come back with weekly payout or 15 days timed payout. But all will be going to be on time.

Today is Thursday. So there're only 2 working days left for this week. I truly hope to see payment banked in before business close for this week or worst early next week. Hopefully we won't be getting more excuses instead of payment.
Filegrasper, I am a patient man, but you have pushed me to my limit. I have been waiting on a pending payment for 6 weeks. A bank-wire does not take 6 weeks to complete. I was happy with Fileom when i first started, but this has shown me that you have no concept on hpw to run a business. Do not leave your people making money hanging in the wind like this. We all work hard to make you sales; which in turn make us money. Being paid regularly and on time is the simplest responsiblilty you can have. We understand some problems may occur, just let us know so we can understand why the wait. Leaving us in the dark like this for so long is unacceptable. I exzpect to be oaid by the end of this week, 08-08-2014, or i will leave Fileom permanently.
First he says: We paid the day August 1
Then He says: We paid the day Monday, August 4
Now he says the weekend
in the worst case the other week ........
This is a joke? no serious
disappointed, angry and seeking new file host
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problem is they are waiting their payment processor to send the money in order to pay the affiliates which is not professional. Professional filehost should have their enough income or their own money to pay the affiliates without waiting the money from payment processor.

this is a bad sign in case if their processor close their business or run away.
guys give FileOm one more chance, filegrasper said he will settle all the pending payouts within this week or by next week. i know most of you are disappointed, but as we all know there's no perfect system. but at least filegrasper is still present to answer queries. i hope we will get paid asap.
Donot worry , we do have enough funds to pay all. Just be patient and we will make that happen. And also , i said you will see fast payment than before as soon we pushed this payment. We are getting things stable thats it.
gasper this payout gateway is so shittty i have from yesterday more than 14 reff and no one can buy premium i dont know why and also i have 2 requested payment

one with 05 /7 and other with 18 so i will get both payment this time or what ?
Donot worry , we do have enough funds to pay all. Just be patient and we will make that happen. And also , i said you will see fast payment than before as soon we pushed this payment. We are getting things stable thats it.

You promised me that you were going to have my payment wired to me on Monday August, 4th.

All week long you have failed to confirm whether or not this was handled and have dodged every inquiry I have made.

I am sick of your bullshit and lies. You are by far the most unprofessional File Host Affiliate manager I have ever had to deal with.

Added after 5 minutes:

Donot worry , we do have enough funds to pay all. Just be patient and we will make that happen. And also , i said you will see fast payment than before as soon we pushed this payment. We are getting things stable thats it.

More lies as always from FileOM. Very disappointed, I'm deleting all my files from FileOM now :(

From my Skype chat log on Saturday August, 2nd:
FileOM - Siddharth R: We have 150k stucked with payment processor ao far
FileOM - Siddharth R: And owner is pulling his funds for now. And payment processor and starting back to settle our payment.
FileOM - Siddharth R: Well you will get the first payout on monday
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[warn=Attention]Hello Petersouth,

I would request you to please start reading your messages before you hit a submit button. Please stop bad-mouthing others. Please read rules and start respecting members instead of telling them to "F*CK off". This is not acceptable here and you might get infraction.

to OP(filegrasper):
I understand that you are having trouble with your payment processor so i am giving you one more chance.

You have been given till 14th aug time and if you failed to settle this payment problem with your users then you will be banned for scamming..[/warn]
[warn=Attention]Hello Petersouth,

I would request you to please start reading your messages before you hit a submit button. Please stop bad-mouthing others. Please read rules and start respecting members instead of telling them to "F*CK off". This is not acceptable here and you might get infraction.

to OP(filegrasper):
I understand that you are having trouble with your payment processor so i am giving you one more chance.

You have been given till 14th aug time and if you failed to settle this payment problem with your users then you will be banned for scamming..[/warn]

DoggY DoG:
Yeah my bad by saying "!@*% you FileOM", he simply had me worked up because he has perpetually lied to me with proof displayed in the excerpt of the Skype chat log provided above. I do sincerely thank yourself (and the rest of the WJunction staff) for what you do.

Rest assured that August 14th is marked on my calendar, I do hope FileOM gets their act together by this date for the sake of us all.....

You tell me not to worry but you have blatantly lied to me, dodged my multiple attempts to communicate with you, and failed to deliver on a promise that was made.

All you needed to do was tell me the truth up front and I would have patiently waited, instead you lied and said you would wire me the funds you owe me on Monday August 4th and ignored me. I can not trust a word that you say to me because I would be insane to believe anything you say now as you have completely broken any trust I had in you.

I will repeat what I said in the post which contained my expletive:

I have worked with other file hosts who have had payment processor issues in the past, in fact two in the last month alone. Both file hosts who had payment processor issues were not still selling accounts, yet I still see FileOM accounts being sold. However I'm seeing far fewer than when I first started, but that's most likely since I stopped all uploads to FileOM a few weeks back when I first became suspicious about their credibility.

You are the most unprofessional file hosting affiliate manager I have ever had the displeasure of working with. I have ZERO PATIENCE for anyone who lies to me.
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