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  1. D

    Byte Whale - 70% PPS initial sale + 60% Life time rebills

    hello, new account holder with ByteWhale, site looks great. can you activate my affialaite account.
  2. D Discussion Thread - Post your discussion related to UMB here!

    Says, Who? No one has heard from them in months. They have let everyone down.
  3. D Discussion Thread - Post your discussion related to UMB here!

    well, i finally got paid. took out payment 04/12/2014, i finally go it 24/12/2014. since 04/12/2014, they took out a payment on 17/12/2014. but i get an email saying the took out a different amount. roughly 10% lower then my account states. WHY!!!! are we being shaved...
  4. D Discussion Thread - Post your discussion related to UMB here!

    I am also missing payment on the same dates. I never got the email about them. If I didnt keep check on the host site, I never would have known..
  5. D Discussion Thread - Post your discussion related to UMB here!

    2nd payment today from in as many weeks. looks like they are coming back together for everyone. happy to start uploading to them again
  6. D


    The poll is a good idea, it gives users the opportunity to let others know which host they like best. It will also give us some sort of warnign on who is going down, and let ust know when to quit using some hosts.
  7. D - 60% Sale 50% Rebill + 30% Reseller Sale & Rebil or 30$ on PPD + 10% Sale

    Filegrasper, I am a patient man, but you have pushed me to my limit. I have been waiting on a pending payment for 6 weeks. A bank-wire does not take 6 weeks to complete. I was happy with Fileom when i first started, but this has shown me that you have no concept on hpw to run a business. Do not...
  8. D Discussion Thread - Post your discussion related to UMB here!

    not the only one the havent paid for 3 weeks. I havent been paid since the end of June. usually its every 10 days. anyone know how to get a hold of someone?
  9. D - Warez Linking, Cpanel, 40Gb HDD 2.5Tb BW @$14.99/Mo (US)

    20 Mbps equals 6.4TB over the course of a month, 1/8th of the amount of traffic in which you sold your VPS to Eddie Johnson. According to the Skype logs he was working with you right from the get-go to try and get this to work which was very nice of him, ecspecially since you were unable to...
  10. D - Warez Linking, Cpanel, 40Gb HDD 2.5Tb BW @$14.99/Mo (US) speedtests The screenshots sonuyos displays are of the read/write speeds of the local disk which aren't applicable to the issue here, this is proof that Sonuyos doesn't know what he is doing and is really just a scam host. The one screenshot that pertains to this shows 5MBps...
  11. D - Warez Linking, Cpanel, 40Gb HDD 2.5Tb BW @$14.99/Mo (US) after reading thru the skype chat logs, I full beleive that SnTHostings are scamming people with selling VMs. Eddie Johnson fully deserves a refund for the trouble you put him thru Sonuyos. Clearly your intentions were to waste his time until the first 72 hours ran out...
  12. D - Warez Linking, Cpanel, 40Gb HDD 2.5Tb BW @$14.99/Mo (US) I'll read the skype chat logs. send them.
  13. D 2.5$ for 1000 views Adult and Non-Adult

    ftp any chance of an ftp server now or in the future? Also will the storage size increase for users? If so I am very interested in using your site.