- 60% Sale 50% Rebill + 30% Reseller Sale & Rebil or 30$ on PPD + 10% Sale

What new payout method is needed?

  • Payoneer

    Votes: 94 39.7%
  • Wire Transfer

    Votes: 66 27.8%
  • Both

    Votes: 77 32.5%

  • Total voters
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I'm waiting for your payment.
ID: duckhai
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[TD="colspan: 4"]Payments history[/TD]
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are you serious? you barely requested payout...STOP spamming the thread...

and also everyone else...i am very guys who say you have pending payments...when did you request? plus...filegrasper replied 2 days ago and said paiments will be done in next 3-4 days...(before spamming please read recent posts) probably he got delayd because of what??? it doesnt depend on him...
We are about to make all payments starting from Thursday ( if not 3 to 4 working day from that ) - American time and this is the day our exchanger told he will deliver all the e currencies.

And also we are going to add fair usage policy like user said. Still we dont have limits on storing your files. But we are going to add file deletion limit to avoid abusers.

And the important thing is i am listening to all users and also i care for all my users not only users who brings more sales. I can see a lot number of users using 16TB + space and paying 32usd for 90 days and full of files which doesnt get download. This is not acceptable.

So we have decided to add 90 days or 180 days for file deletion time. And also for users who have lots of sales or lots of downloads daily can be whitelisted.

And also , i still believe if a file is not downloaded for more than 90 days or 180 days its not gonna downloaded by many person in future and so it is no more important . If they found a dead link please reupload.

You definitely do not care about your users if you just up and delete GB's of data without warning just because they haven't been downloaded recently. What you've done is broke a bond of trust, given uploaders a bad reputation that now leaves then with a bunch of dead links for their downloaders and caused a bit of discouragement from uploading to your host any further. Who wants to spend time reuploading 12GB worth of files that took them all month to upload in the first place? I can understand reuploading a couple of files here and there but you slammed everyone with massive amounts of deletion and all for what? Because you don't want to upgrade and build up your host?

Also you have to take into consideration that you mention you don't want people using your host as a backup which is safe to say you meant they should be using your host as their main host, why would they? You've just deleted tons of people's files who probably don't have a backup of those files screwing them over even more. I'm not even gonna get into your horrible PPD rates. I couldn't even make it to $5 when I used your host. Completely unheard of from any other host I've ever used. I used to make hundreds of $$ a month then when I tried your host, I never even hit $5 in a month and a half. Is this my fault? No, it is because nobody wanted to download my files from you and half the time the links were dead from your constant mass deletion.

I want to thank you on everyone's behalf for being the worst host ever with a constant changing policy and always screwing people over. We thank you!

With that said, please get out of the file hosting business. You have no clue what uploaders and downloaders are looking for.
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pffffff no payement (40day waiting)
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@Stooky dont waste your time on my thread. I dont read you comment . Just check all your comment on our thread . You have no business with us. No one care what you say and also your speech doesnt going to change anything. LOL. You are an Joker according many of my affiliates.

For registered , file deletion policy is same like before.

And FTP , we are working on new function which will get new pass other than site pass and also you can have own pass for FTP.

PayZa payments are going to process tomorrow. Thanks for patience to everyone and WMZ will start soon.
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I finally got the payment from my request from 2013-11-06 :)
I would like to know if it's true that payments will take less time (2 weeks) starting at 2014 or if the times will be the same (more than a month).
@Stooky dont waste your time on my thread. I dont read you comment . Just check all your comment on our thread . You have no business with us. No one care what you say and also your speech doesnt going to change anything. LOL. You are an Joker according many of my affiliates.

Sorry man, just sharing my experience with everyone after using your host. Wish I would have earned something but I just wasted my time trying you after you saying 20 times to me, trust you, give you a try and see how much better you are. All I found out was how much worse you are.

You see, I've been on this scene and been a part of hosting sites as an uploader, a downloader as well as an employee so I've been involved with it way longer than you starting your business and I know what I'm talking about. I have seen many many many many many hosts come and go. I watch how hosts evolve, devolve, progress or fade away.

All of the things you have done or do puts you into the same category of the hosts that fade away. Trust me, I've been right 100% of the time and I see your host fading away within the year. You can't keep uploaders.
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few points are right, but not at all

remember this word, RG, UL shaved sales and guys still complaining (i am too, not now) so they need somehost which don't shave sales + trusted, only few hosts respect users, one of the host is FileOM.

Due you think why guys always complaining and still using fileOM..? and getting this much views and replies in shorter time (in wj support thread) because of unshaved sales and support, filegrasper is here mostly to support, also this host is new (less than 1 year) and so they don't know about payment processing and many things in beginning so payments are delayed, but atleast now he understood the scene , not like you but he got some experience now i think

Also he unofficially announced weekly payout for ppd users, like that he will improve his service :)
nobody is perfect, but time will sort out all.
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few points are right, but not at all

remember this word, RG, UL shaved sales and guys still complaining (i am too, not now) so they need somehost which don't shave sales + trusted, only few hosts respect users, one of the host is FileOM.

Due you think why guys always complaining and still using fileOM..? and getting this much views and replies in shorter time (in wj support thread) because of unshaved sales and support, filegrasper is here mostly to support, also this host is new (less than 1 year) and so they don't know about payment processing and many things in beginning so payments are delayed, but atleast now he understood the scene , not like you but he got some experience now i think

Also he unofficially announced weekly payout for ppd users, like that he will improve his service :)
nobody is perfect, but time will sort out all.

I don't see this host improving whatsoever. Maybe improving for his own personal financial gains but not for any members.

You can only look at your stats for so long and compare just how crappy they are compared to all the excellent earnings someone used to make with many other hosts before you just say wow, this host isn't worth it.

Limiting people to $0.10 a day in earnings is pretty lousy. People always come along and leach all of your files in one sitting and you get a measly $0.10 for it and not get credited for all those legit downloads. I've seen 200+ downloads in a day and only saw a $0.018 earnings. That's not even 2 pennies and that is 1/5th of 1000 downloads. So if I would have actually hit 1000 in that day you mean to tell me I would have made only just under $0.10?

Absolutely worst rates ever and you'd think with all the earnings he shaves and cheats people he'd take some of that and upgrade instead of deleting people's files.

You know what else I find hilarious? As I've done with several other hosts who are long gone to prove they are cheats, I limited downloads off my blog to only allow United States IP's to be able to access the files while blocking every other country just to test. Now tell me how it is that his highest payout rate which is the United States I have hardly any downloads from yet some how I magically have downloads mostly from countries in his worst payout rate tier? How is that possible to even have any downloads from there when I just mentioned nobody but people from the United States can download my files? You can't use a proxy, you can't do anything to fake it. Simply any IP is denied unless it is from the United States. Why would I have mostly downloads from the worst payout rate tier? I'll tell you why, because it is fabricated stats.
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