- 60% Sale 50% Rebill + 30% Reseller Sale & Rebil or 30$ on PPD + 10% Sale

What new payout method is needed?

  • Payoneer

    Votes: 94 39.7%
  • Wire Transfer

    Votes: 66 27.8%
  • Both

    Votes: 77 32.5%

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I certainly do not use your host as "backup" service and do share every single file. But due to the way you "count" which seems to be only 1IP/24 hours. So even if a user download several files, it won't get counted.

I suddenly got an mail where tons and tons of files got deleted.

I'm afraid this will be the nail in the coffin for me with you. I've spent a huge amount of time uploading to you and at the beginning it was OK and your counting seems to be good. But as time passed, you made more and more changes which in the end doesn't suits my needs anymore, unfortunately.

Also, fuck man, at least you could have given a warning in advance and some grace period such as 1 month or something so people can move their data out. Not just suddenly delete like this. It just shows that you really have stopped caring so much.

Now it's only the uploaders who brings in lots of money who matters. All us others who was part of helping build up your business just gets kicked out like this..

It's too late to add me to that "whitelist". Tons of my files are already gone and I don't feel like spending time uploading and updating my links again. Already did this a while ago when your system suddenly removed tons of files. I even sent you a PM about this and you even told me you'd put me in the whitelist where files won't expire. But my files expired anyway...
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hello dear filegrasper, first time here with you, nice to meet you.

I only want to know one thing.

Not pressuring you or anything i just want to know some probably date i will recieve payment.
i request
2013-11-11 and i tough i will get pay during december 1-15 right but i still didnt recieve payment, i request on WMZ.
i not mad or anything man, i only wanna know what could be the date when i will recieve payment, thats all. If you telll me in 2 more days thats ok, cause i already have almost the same ammount on my account to request and if all good i continue with you for ever man cause till now all good, i just need to know how long i need to wai for payment and im ok.

Again man im ok
whatever you decide, i just need to know how often i could reciving payments like 35 days or so and i continue my uploading cause for me once payment ok is the best host so far.

Thanks for your time to read my text and thanks in advance for you support.
I'll leave my opinion even if do not make any difference...
Regarding deleted files. You could give users premium accounts, a limit of reasonable / fair space.
And for users who need more space, you impose your rule downloads / sales.
I think this democratic, and fair method will all be happy ...
Finish this polemic and wear fileom brand. And primarily do not change it one moment to another ..
It's what I think ..
An Example from Germany, where i live.

Most Popular Hosts are Uploaded and Share-Online (of course a lot people around the world doesn't know SO) and you find in German Boards nearly EVERYTHING at this Hosts, so Users buy Premium from them.

So Filegrasper now decided only to care about Uploaders with lot Sales and kicking PPD-Uploaders, so in more and more Boards Links from Fileom are gone and this Host loose more and more exciting, because only newest Stuff is downloadable, but this offers EVERY Host.

Btw. i trusted him and now i'm really disappointed.

The next Host which can't see the Future because the eyes are full of $-Signs.
We are about to make all payments starting from Thursday ( if not 3 to 4 working day from that ) - American time and this is the day our exchanger told he will deliver all the e currencies.

And also we are going to add fair usage policy like user said. Still we dont have limits on storing your files. But we are going to add file deletion limit to avoid abusers.

And the important thing is i am listening to all users and also i care for all my users not only users who brings more sales. I can see a lot number of users using 16TB + space and paying 32usd for 90 days and full of files which doesnt get download. This is not acceptable.

So we have decided to add 90 days or 180 days for file deletion time. And also for users who have lots of sales or lots of downloads daily can be whitelisted.

And also , i still believe if a file is not downloaded for more than 90 days or 180 days its not gonna downloaded by many person in future and so it is no more important . If they found a dead link please reupload.

Comments are welcome. And also send your ideas about fair usage policy or file deletion policy to , we add it if it is good.
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every day goes wrong at worst so far use fileom since it deletes files without warning

rate very low PPD and sometimes not counts downloads
There are many friends of mine who complain that do not pay them
user premiums with files up to 600 gb others up to 1 TB of deleted files
16 TB space is less compared to 20/25 Tb in fileserve, most guys used 20 TB there, but now situation is changed..

File not downloaded for 30 days (may be 45 days) is no use, and even deletion after 30 or 45 days from last download is fine.

90 or 180 days is not recommended, because every day more and more new releases are coming, so if you planned to store for 90 or 180 days from last download, then you have to give 20 to 30 TB or more per user.


better you can collect or reduce money in payment for storage and bandwidth like turbobit..??


Give rank system:
less than 5 sale per month => copper => 1 tb
less than 15 sale per month => bronze => 2 tb

1 sale per day (so 30 sale per month) => silver rank => they get 5 tb or 60 days deletion or decide your self
2-3 sale per day (60 to 90 sale per month) => gold => they get 10 tb or 90 days deletion or decide yourself
>3 sales (> 100 sales per month) => Platinum => they get unlimited tb of space or 180 days deletion or decide yourself

i know management and planning is difficult, because you have to calculate and workout more and also you're going to pay server bills, calculate wisely.

My final recommendation:
30 or 45 or 60 days (no need of 90 or 180 days) is fine (even Rapidgator giving 60 days time, but they shave > 50 % sales)
So, again, who works with PPD will not be benefited, @smartboy?

180 days for inactive files (send email with the list, of course) and add Paypal for who want buy premium account.

Add Paypal and I'm sure you will have many sales from Brazil, at least. (y)
So, again, who works with PPD will not be benefited, @smartboy?
180 days for inactive files (send email with the list, of course) and add Paypal for who want buy premium account.
Add Paypal and I'm sure you will have many sales from Brazil, at least. (y)

You don't know or [trollface]
Paypal banned all filehosts
I use PPS mode and buy one year premium to keep file active.
File = Money , No File = No Money.
So, I really hope that the files will never be deleted (at least one year).
ok, no answer from anyone and payment delayed for a full month.

This isnt normal, prolly it isnt the old filegrasper we used to know...

This isnt acceptable seriously
I'm waiting for your payment.
ID: duckhai
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