Feedback Thread

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He's right. How can you take away what we have done already? Maybe one day before payout you will decrease rate again and our earning will be hmmm... zero then? (Lets see: If I change plan to pps, then sales will be count from now or yesterday sales will be counted?:facepalm: )

Put our earnings back, and implement new count system from this day.
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When the advanced stats will show a well-partic well when it starts to count the points from my country?

The case shows once more points for the download and once more, after all the rate is fixed for a given country..

Every filehost adjusts the rates from time to time. Rapidgator did before, but did they lower the rate for previous earning? HELL NO! What is done can't be undone. How can you implement the new rate to previous reward points? That's totally cheating. And the reward point system is tricky, coz you don't credit the real earning, and you can change the rate anytime you want.

You said you guys are professional and VERY experienced ? Seems you guys are totally amateurs.

He's right. How can you take away what we have done already? Maybe one day before payout you will decrease rate again and our earning will be hmmm... zero then? (Lets see: If I change plan to pps, then sales will be count from now or yesterday sales will be counted?:facepalm: )

Put our earnings back, and implement new count system from this day.

I understand your concerns, now understand mine. From the beginning I stated that PPD is primarily by ad revenue. Without an idea of what those figures were, I used an arbitrary number for the exchange rate. That number has turned out to be lower than what it was intended to be, so I changed it.

I understand that some might feel cheated, and that really was not my intention. However, with the previous exchange rate sales and ads combined were not even covering 30% of the daily point costs. As I said, we're willing to cover some loss with our own money, but these figures were simply unacceptable.

Had I known the correct exchange rate previously and applied it from the start, would you still have uploaded files to FileLaser? If the answer to this question is no then I suppose you have every right to feel cheated and there's nothing I can do about that.

I have every intention of making the exchange rate better in the future when it is a viable option. My goal was always to break even with this project. Any excess income will always go to the uploaders.
"As I said, we're willing to cover some loss with our own money...."

hmm invest money means lost money? NO!
You pay more=you got more uploaders=you must invest more
more invest=more filelaser links EVERYDAY everywhere
more filelaser links=more premium sold

People do not buy premium immediately after filehost show up. They're buying is usually when old one expires. They buying now very carefully because a lot of hosts appears and disappears ... When people will see links filelaser everywhere then they will buy it. If you want see filelaser links appearing everywhere you need to offer something special and higher rates than the competition. Well, but this is just my suggestion.

Uploaders just started to like filelaser. You Lowered exchange rates too soon. Now, I think many uploaders will leave.

PS: remember how wupload and filesonic started? They offered double all payout for 1month. It was enough to kill the competition.
WUpload was owned by Filesonic. If we had the luxury of being able to invest unlimited funds in a new project from the profits of a similar one then we'd already be doing that.

We have a strict budget for the first month. The old exchange rate was based on an incorrect estimation and would've seen us severely exceed that budget. No amount of people believing they've been cheated will change that.
I have told before just left them be. If nobody used to upload and posting your links. Later or sooner you just dead.

This is EXPERIMENT FILEHOST and all the uploader here is LAB RAT for tester. So no whining and GOOD LUCK.
Does pay per download pays 5 points for every download from every country and from any size or how that works, you should add a table for that too.
Where are the deleted files, I can't find it.
There will be an alert in the file manager when you have new deleted files. Note that I added this 1-2 hours ago and only applies to files deleted since then.

Why files do not appear by ftp?
Please help I sent pw
The current FTP solution is temporary and files are processed one at a time. Use web or remote upload if you want instant results.

hi filelaser ı m waiting payment ....
May 25th, 2012 (13:38:22) PayPal 12,816 points Pending
Payments will be next week.
I used chrome and firefox on both the same problem,

this was the rest of the error
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.
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I understand your concerns, now understand mine. From the beginning I stated that PPD is primarily by ad revenue. Without an idea of what those figures were, I used an arbitrary number for the exchange rate. That number has turned out to be lower than what it was intended to be, so I changed it.

I understand that some might feel cheated, and that really was not my intention. However, with the previous exchange rate sales and ads combined were not even covering 30% of the daily point costs. As I said, we're willing to cover some loss with our own money, but these figures were simply unacceptable.

Had I known the correct exchange rate previously and applied it from the start, would you still have uploaded files to FileLaser? If the answer to this question is no then I suppose you have every right to feel cheated and there's nothing I can do about that.

I have every intention of making the exchange rate better in the future when it is a viable option. My goal was always to break even with this project. Any excess income will always go to the uploaders.

WUpload was owned by Filesonic. If we had the luxury of being able to invest unlimited funds in a new project from the profits of a similar one then we'd already be doing that.

We have a strict budget for the first month. The old exchange rate was based on an incorrect estimation and would've seen us severely exceed that budget. No amount of people believing they've been cheated will change that.

Okay, cool. Thanks for the explanation, EXPERT.

You guys know nothing about running a filehost. Since when a filehost's budget issue is UPLOADERS' concern? Good luck everyone. told us some reason for low conversion rates...but we didn't like it...anyhow


why u set minimum payout to 32000 pts ?? may i know the reason

thats was more annoying after low conversion rate

bring it back to 10,000 pts
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50/50 Hybrid - today's stats will be the only way to see I made a sale or you will also put it in the advance stats table ?

Just tested RU from rapidshare - unfortunately it isn't working; It says you must provide username and pass which i did in the RU logins settings...

Will try with netload but need to renew my account first
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