Feedback Thread

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It says in the news section:


Tonight or Tomorrow (GMT) we will be rolling out updates.

The first update will address issues with the Affiliate scheme. The currently Points Per Download plan will be renamed Points Per Unique. A new 4th plan named Points Per Download will reward 5 points for all downloads of any size from any region. Points Per Sale has been changed to 65%, including "rebills". In addition to these changes, the points exchange rate will be changed to more accurately reflect its intended relation to our advertising revenue.

We understand that some users may not like these changes. However, I will repeat what I have stated many times: This site is still largely experimental. Things are subject to change at any time while we're working out the kinks.

In addition to the Affiliate scheme changes, we will be rolling out the new Remote Upload service for testing.
New plans:

PPU - ?
PPD - now I have ~10-12 points per DL (on avarage) compared to 5...:(
PPS - 65% - nice

"In addition to these changes, the points exchange rate will be changed to more accurately reflect its intended relation to our advertising revenue." - will see what does this mean.

The most important question - when will we be able to UL sth...?

Hope filelaser will become a good host.
Why it dropped dramatically earned money that I had, if I make changes to the next day and not from the beginning??

yesterday Downloads 867, points ~ (£ 4.87)


yesterday Downloads 867, points 5534 (£ 2.77)

Please return to the previous earnings!
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uprolly ; I also have the same situation

yesterday downloads 189, points 1415, (£ 1.08)

now :

yesterday downloads 189, points 1415, (£ 0.71) :@:@

your so wrong.
While 1£ is 1300 points.
1£ now give 2000 points. :@:@

while also minimum payment of 10 000 points,
now have 32 000 points. :@:@

just fix it and turn the gain past.


"The download took longer than is allowed (300 seconds)."
"The download was slower than the minimum allowed speed of 500 KB/s."

I have
speed 2.2 MB/s... admin fix it
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