Feedback Thread

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2 files in RU is suspended, and although no downloades, and I have written "downloaded".. I did not remove them from the queue.

'You are using 2/5 of your allowed limit.', please fix it
Reward points can be exchanged for premium account membership or converted to GBP (click here for calculator) via one of several online payment services once you have a minimum of 32,000 points.

I though its 10,000 points the first time they launched. now how long until i reach that? Its too big for me. good luck.
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Tonight or Tomorrow (GMT) we will be rolling out updates.

The first update will address issues with the Affiliate scheme. The currently Points Per Download plan will be renamed Points Per Unique. A new 4th plan named Points Per Download will reward 5 points for all downloads of any size from any region. Points Per Sale has been changed to 65%, including "rebills". In addition to these changes, the points exchange rate will be changed to more accurately reflect its intended relation to our advertising revenue.

We understand that some users may not like these changes. However, I will repeat what I have stated many times: This site is still largely experimental. Things are subject to change at any time while we're working out the kinks.

In addition to the Affiliate scheme changes, we will be rolling out the new Remote Upload service for testing.

Hey, you can adjust the reward point exchange rate, it's fine. But you CANT implement the new rate to those points already have been made. Please notice that you are not yet processing any payments, and you adjust the exchange rate before the first payment. Sorry mate, that means cheating, even you are on experimental, I don't think you can lower the exchange rate for pending payments and those points already have been made.
Clearly cheating. You are not well estabilished and even you have not paid any payment yet so how you could do this. Its not a good idea at all.
If you thinking that people will be working charity for your host, you are in big mistake. My and other people money was earning by the another rules.
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What's the difference between:

  • Points Per Download rewards 5 points per file download but does not offer any for sales.
Each visitor can DL as many times during 24H and they will all count (ie 100 DL=500pts) ?

  • Points Per Unique rewards up to 20 points per unique file download but does not offer any for sales. Each visitor may trigger a unique download every 24 hours.
Same as old PPD ?

The exchange rates dropped dramatically though... :(

"The download took longer than is allowed (300 seconds)."
"The download was slower than the minimum allowed speed of 500 KB/s."

I have
speed 2.2 MB/s... admin fix it
These are temporary. Today I'm adding a server just for RU/FTP.

If you thinking that people will be working charity for your host, you are in big mistake. My and other people money was earning by the another rules.

You are not the only person who does not want to work charity my friend. I have always stated that PPD is designed to be covered by ad revenue. We're willing to cover a small amount of overspill out of our own pockets, but the current PPD rate was simply too high compared to the site income.

If it was up to me I'd be offering 100% PPS instead of PPD, but that isn't my decision.

What's the difference between:

  • Points Per Download rewards 5 points per file download but does not offer any for sales.
Each visitor can DL as many times during 24H and they will all count (ie 100 DL=500pts) ?

  • Points Per Unique rewards up to 20 points per unique file download but does not offer any for sales. Each visitor may trigger a unique download every 24 hours.
Same as old PPD ?

The exchange rates dropped dramatically though... :(
Old PPD is now PPU. The criteria is still the same. New PPD does not have any kind of unique visitor restrictions.
"Ineligible for new payouts: 32,000 points required."
What about old payment requested at 10,000 points? Will it be paid also? And When exactly?
And when will get better download speeds with premium account ?
The hard drives on the S4-8 batch are not so good, which results in slow upload and download. From now on I'll be using the server configuration that I used for the first servers, so new uploads and downloads should be fine. I'll also be transferring the data from S4-8 to new servers when I get the time, so those files should see improved speeds then.

admin help me, I sent you
I replied to that on the previous page.

Added after 41 minutes:

Remote Upload and FTP are now running on the new servers. FTP is now available at
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'The download was slower than the minimum allowed speed of 1000kbps.'

there should be 100 or 50 kbps?

In RU I had the speed 2 mb yesterday

Now is about 25 KB/s and I can not upload files :(
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Why it dropped dramatically earned money that I had, if I make changes to the next day and not from the beginning??

yesterday Downloads 867, points ~ (£ 4.87)


yesterday Downloads 867, points 5534 (£ 2.77)

Please return to the previous earnings!

uprolly ; I also have the same situation

yesterday downloads 189, points 1415, (£ 1.08)

now :

yesterday downloads 189, points 1415, (£ 0.71) :@:@

your so wrong.
While 1£ is 1300 points.
1£ now give 2000 points. :@:@

while also minimum payment of 10 000 points,
now have 32 000 points. :@:@

just fix it and turn the gain past.

I though its 10,000 points the first time they launched. now how long until i reach that? Its too big for me. good luck.

Clearly cheating. You are not well estabilished and even you have not paid any payment yet so how you could do this. Its not a good idea at all.

old RP 1300 - 1 £
new RP 2000 - 1 £

good luck FileLaser fast fall soon

why u skip all these comments regarding points conversion and minimum payout ??

why conversion rates is very low ??

why u set minimum payout to 32000 pts suddenly ??

very disappointed
I replied on this subject. It should be on the previous page.


Every filehost adjusts the rates from time to time. Rapidgator did before, but did they lower the rate for previous earning? HELL NO! What is done can't be undone. How can you implement the new rate to previous reward points? That's totally cheating. And the reward point system is tricky, coz you don't credit the real earning, and you can change the rate anytime you want.

You said you guys are professional and VERY experienced ? Seems you guys are totally amateurs.
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