does everyone still experiencing the SITE loading problem?
I can't feel it's slow anymore...
Hi Greg ....
Idunno which package to select ... will u help me ....
and i btw u upgrading to premium free as Deeks is asking ?
Are you going to do so showed that these files because I do not know what's wrong upload?
"Number of failed link(s): 4"
And second question
As seen in the statistics of the best days to collect users files, is this option?
It takes long time to get a download link when I uploaded via ftp. Files are waiting in " pending folder ". Pls fix it.
Greg I wrote you PM< would be good if you answer it
Hello payment was made on November 30, 2011 is not on my paypal account
User: schiavi13
I asked you for upgrade,but you didnt reply,i can send you my Wupload statics.