- Earn $40 / 1000 downloads! All countries paid! (Official Thread)

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hey greg, i need to wait some time before changing my plans,right? i left my account for a week and when iam back now wanting to change my plan he says it will be auto changed after few days!
You don't have to wait to change but you have to wait for the plan to be activated. So if you change your plan for example today from PPS to PPD which is the 15th your new plan will start on the 22nd after 7 days. So change it whenever you want but remember it won't be activated until 7 days time. Hope this clears that up for you :)
Pleas check my account

check my account, please
Username : wuploadchicken (PPD)
Files downloaded but no count


Why not rearrange the national group

What country and to what group? This won't be changed just yet, I am asked daily to do this and it will be looked into, there are just other things that take priority over this for now.

Fileserve is missing from the RU drop down list again.

We are looking into why this happens, fileserve will not be removed from the list so if at anytime you notice it has vanished either inform us/me or just wait and it should re appear fairly quickly.

Hey Greg! When do u increase free download speed and fix ftp filename and 40 character limit problem?

Hi the character issue is going to be fixed, I can't say exactly when but it has been forwarded and it has been confirmed it will be changed. The free download speed already has a reasonably high cap, we can't really do much if some users have worse peering than others to our servers. I can of course ask to have limits raised but nothing is guaranteed.

ninasdkasda - Your account is on PPS Commission. You won't receive any payments for downloads of files until you change to a PPD plan. So go to 'how to make money' and change your plan to PPD, this will then take 7 days to come into effect.

Hello, in France i have 120ko/s.

Downloading as a free user or premium? Using a single thread or with IDM ?
jolybird - I will mention this to our team to see if anything can be done to speed things, we are working on this currently as other users have noticed. Just increasing speed for every area takes time and effort. Signup for a premium to enjoy max speed with no limits :)

For those who haven't noticed the premium sales referral link is now available in your dashboard on the left hand side. Please check the latest news to see which plans are eligible to use the premium referral link.
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We are looking into why this happens, fileserve will not be removed from the list so if at anytime you notice it has vanished either inform us/me or just wait and it should re appear fairly quickly.

Ah, good. Fs is the only paid filehost I have that you support RU from. And with my sloowwwww upload speed, I wouldn't be able to use your excellent service any other way. Alas, the FS remote is still missing from the list, since approx. 4 hours ago.
I will wait patiently [foot tapping a mile a minute] for it to re-appear.
kenchien - Yes we know :) I saw myself that it is missing, it's being looked at and will be fixed asap. We just want to make sure it doesn't happen again.

This issue is now resolved and you shouldn't experience anymore problems.

If you all could check out you will see we have updated our logos and icons, hopefully some of you find these useful :D
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kenchien - Yes we know I saw myself that it is missing, it's being looked at and will be fixed asap. We just want to make sure it doesn't happen again.

This issue is now resolved and you shouldn't experience anymore problems.

That's great, filejunglegreg [or do you prefer Greg].

'bout tapped a hole in my carpet. Had to slow my anticipation with a cheap bottle of Merlot.

I appreciate you having the techies look into this. I've just discovered your host and I'm realleeeeeee impressed with the speed of your RU and file manager.
But darn it, your RU is so fast at uploading multi links, that I don't have time to multi-task other projects. I have to give ALL my attention to updating my links from FJ, or just have the RU links sit there and wait till I get to them. Nah, that won't do. [sigh] I guess I'll just have to spend more time on FileJungle.

a premium affiliate link would be useful too mate

This link is available in your dashboard on the left hand side. Please let me know once you have found it :)

That's great, filejunglegreg [or do you prefer Greg].

'bout tapped a hole in my carpet. Had to slow my anticipation with a cheap bottle of Merlot.

I appreciate you having the techies look into this. I've just discovered your host and I'm realleeeeeee impressed with the speed of your RU and file manager.
But darn it, your RU is so fast at uploading multi links, that I don't have time to multi-task other projects. I have to give ALL my attention to updating my links from FJ, or just have the RU links sit there and wait till I get to them. Nah, that won't do. [sigh] I guess I'll just have to spend more time on FileJungle.


Greg is fine, we appreciate your hard work :)
As already explained there is no plan for the set-up of EU servers, so if people wish to use free accounts then of course the speed is not going to be as fast as you would like, this is the whole concept behind premium accounts.
Totally agree greg, but i would like to remind one thing, other USA-based filehosts give more speeds for freebies (FileSonic 350KB/s / FileServe 500KB/s) so you should may consider increase yours because it will do your host more attractive, just as a suggestion ;)

Have a good day
This link is available in your dashboard on the left hand side. Please let me know once you have found it :)

Thanks mate, just found it, too bad I am on PPD....but the site sales commission still counts right? I mean, if my users click on the premium link from my site then I should get the 25% site commission? not just the file links...
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