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not been able to upload any file .... its giving the following error "The server at is taking too long to respond." ...please help
cant upload, even with 10mb file
The connection has timed out
The server at is taking too long to respond.

note : its working now, just wait few minutes, suddenly that message gone and success uploaded file
Many users have reported that they are not able to download. I've checked files are on the s2. I've reported this since yesterday, but still problem exist. Please fix this as soon as possible. My downloaders are now have lost some faith on Filehost. :(

By the way, I haven't received payment via moneybookers.

2012-05-10 $95.02 PENDING
Downloading from s2 still don,t work Fix It.

Many users have reported that they are not able to download. I've checked files are on the s2. I've reported this since yesterday, but still problem exist. Please fix this as soon as possible. My downloaders are now have lost some faith on Filehost. :(

Please fix this problem. Me too having this problem. I tried to download my own file but it shows

The connection has timed out

The server at is taking too long to respond.
I'm having same problem uploading, but somehow i got a hold of the trick, when you upload a file then wait for it, a connection error will appear then "don't do a thing" let it stay like that for a few mins. do other things for a while then look at it again after let say 5 mins. "if you are using Remote Upload" you should see the links generated by this time, if not then still wait for another 5 mins. This work for me try it guys
the problem is even if u upload the file people cant download it cos they get server timeout error.

The connection has timed out
The server at is taking too long to respond
In the beginning we all praised you for your prompt support but now it is worsening day by day.

Where are you(support)?

Word from your side will be appreciated.
I've just tested this filehost and you should take the following in consideration: Please improve the remote upload speed, I couldn't get more than 80 kb/s and the download speed for free user it's too slow, I had 45 kb/s (don't know yet how is the download speed as a registered user, i'll test that later). Also raise up the download limit if its possible, from 100 mb to 200 mb. ;)
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