- Affiliates Earn $$$ With Our Genuine Affiliate Program ($25.00/1,000)

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1.pls remove the limitation 100MB for free user...thats absurd

u not yet established...

make it to 1GB or atleast have an option...let each affiliate choose their own file size for the limitation...hope u understand

2. pls remove the name and downloaded : x times in the download page...
im a registered member..not premium

same problem.... stuck on 200 :facepalm:

y no reply admin??can u pls correct that error??
It is not an error. When a file reaches 200 downloads, the next user who tries to download that file needs to upgrade to registered or premium. It is nothing to do with your status.

The problem is that none of your downloaders are taking the 30 seconds that it takes to register.

1.pls remove the limitation 100MB for free user...thats absurd

u not yet established...

make it to 1GB or atleast have an option...let each affiliate choose their own file size for the limitation...hope u understand

2. pls remove the name and downloaded : x times in the download page...
Limitation stays as it is.
Not established? What is that meant to mean?
Affiliates won`t be choosing file size limits.
Downloaded number that shows is fine also.
It is not an error. When a file reaches 200 downloads, the next user who tries to download that file needs to upgrade to registered or premium. It is nothing to do with your status.

The problem is that none of your downloaders are taking the 30 seconds that it takes to register.

that's nightmare for me :facepalm:
alertpay, webmoney , liberty , okpay
when will u pay with any of them???
iam from egypt and paypal isnot allowed on egypt !!!!
for downloaders laziness we,uploaders,have to pay a lot...this is utter ridiculous...
You`ve lost me. What do you have to pay a lot for?
Look at it from our perspective - if your downloaders cannot even be bothered to take the 30 seconds that it takes to register, what chance is there of them actually paying for a Premium account? Not going to happen is it?
admin can u do 1 thing for us...can u setup the download page after 200 download as"IF U WANT DOWNLOAD THIS FILE PLEASE REGISTER"so that the downloaders will register and we get download counts..
This is already in place. A message advises the downloader to register as file has been downloaded 200 times. We are changing it to make it clearer still.
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