Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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Filefactory is a scam and unfortunately earn a lot because we are working for them by free....I think Its time to do something...

we should act by each other and find a way...all user present here and doing same job fo r showing our power to andy wong an FF..We have to do something..
The only way is to boycott FF. Andy Wong is also stealing our money and banning accounts instead of paying. If all users stop using this hoster, FF will break.
Andy wong still adivertise in user's email to selling account..And He's so active in it, ..

Mr andy Wong

Forgot paying us at least show your self and talk with your own users because we really beileve there is no payment at all..Show yourself and answer our tickets and again keep us busy...because without payment and ticket we certainly leave...As most of us did....
Andy wong finally blocked my account stolen my 300 USD .....I will ask wjunction to ban him so I think you should do....Don't waste your time and trust in filefactory..FF is a scam and andy wong is a thief...
How I said. Andy wong is a thief. He steals our money. FF sends emails with Premium offers, but forgets to answer our Support tickets. This guy steals ou money and than blocks our account. Several support tickets open and non of them answered. Payment stolen.
Hello, I have lost $ 100 of my balance in two of my three accounts and I want to make a ticker and I think it has also lost the support center or I can not find it. The same thing has happened to you.

I feel my English, I use a traductyor


13th Mar 2019 Excess Data Storage Fee - Mar 2019 -$100.00
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loooooool... I remember this shit was already going on like 10 years ago when we still used FileSonic, FileServe, RapidShare, Netload, etc... xDDDDDD people already complained those times that this host is a scam... and 10 years later people are still here complaining while Andy Wong is laughing at you still banking x'DDDDD you know they say if you get scammed one time it's the scammers' fault but if you get scammed second time or multiple times, well... you can have a guess whose fault it is x'D
I cant believe :D

I stop upload on FF six months ago, and this month I request payment (since my friend got one)....Today ff send me my money.

When did you request this payout?
My first request was about 8 months ago and still PENDING.
FF has stolen more than $ 700 from my account making believe they paid me. But never seen the money.
When did you request this payout?
My first request was about 8 months ago and still PENDING.
FF has stolen more than $ 700 from my account making believe they paid me. But never seen the money.

There in the picture it appears that he requested it on March 2 and received it on March 14 :spy:
Congratulations :thumbsup:

Was the payment with bitcoin or amazon? :thinking:


Last year i made mistake by requesting payment via Amazon (when Payza went for good), and lost more than 600$ . Instead I should wait to FF add some other method (like bitcoin), and then ask for my money. Fun fact, i suggest "Andy Wong" to add btc as payment method 2 years ago, and then he told me that is not option :D

I request payment March 2nd.

How much space you use on FF?
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