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In an unprecendented move, BTC payment received this morning....
Took me completely by surprise! And got a response to all the support tickets too.
Anyone else?
It seems that these guys are paid to make FF publicity. Still waiting for BTC payment (since October) and support answers since august 2018.

Yeah maybe they did it to a few people they could link here? I dunno. But bare in mind I made the payment requests back in August and April last year.... so maybe they're making their way through them all, extremely slowly?
Well, I think it's not going to pay that page, in the first instance that page owed me 700 dollars and I never pay them, then they answered with a ticket saying that they were going to pay for bitcoin, but I have been 4 months and they have not paid anything, they owe me 400 dollars, that bad that we are deceived with that page, they do spend time and money ... But good hopefully they really pay, if they come to do it, but I think that they should not place misleading advertising, in my opinion.
That´s it. Instead of paying, they prefer to steal our money or ban accounts. I lost $ 400, and now more $ 300 I´m going to lose. Stolen by the FF owners. This way it is easy to make money.
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