Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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Anyone got problems with remote upload. I have wait 1-2 days before my files are RU... And a lot of times the process fails (then i have to wait another 1-2 days) O.o
i uploaded many files by ftp but they wont appear in the file manager X-(
other times its sais that they dont have enough free disk space. sucks!

requested a payout - lets see if it gets through....
uploading from zoom uploader at 70MB/s but when it goes to 100%..shit, fail like a charm, no links!!! shitty host, never been a good host before or after big host like filesonic fileserve mu die
if you're having problems uploading, try
it's still hit-or-miss, but a few more files seem to be getting through on ftp2.
is there any new restriction to upload for free users?
I'm trying to upload about 400mb using embedupload (to have mirrors), after upload the file when embedupload uploads to every host it stops in 98% with Filefactory; this happens when I upload 200mb files too :facepalm:
Does anyone here have a FileFactory premium? If so, what do you think of it?
I am debating getting one, but wanted some currents users input beforehand.

Also, how are the download hits using their service?

Thanks! J
my account Disabled

Unfortunately we have had to remove your account. There were 1074 official DMCA complaints about files you had uploaded, and it is our policy to remove accounts of repeat infringers. You are welcome to create another account and upload files which meet our terms of service

Does this happen with anyone ?

Do you know where to find what files get the prermium sales?

^ +1. I don't know why people still use this service and complain that their account has been banned. If they don't need money, they can use many other free services
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