Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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I have just now joined filefactory and I am thinking of buying a premium account at filefactory as i want to remote upload my files from Mediafire.
So guyz, i just want to know that is it possible to remote files from Mediafire to Filefactory after buying premium.
And what download speed is it giving to free users these days. Is it worth buying premium ??
Please Someone Do Reply.....

get a eu sborg and download mediafire files and upload to filefactory
this rule is new...they have changed it a week or two ago. These money they have send us, is from earlier pending payment ("old debts"). From now on, by the new rules, is payment sent one a mounth.

Hey do you know is it possible to remote upload from mediafire to filefactory??
And what is the download speeds are free users getting nowdays ??
And is it worth buying filefactory premium
filefactory closed uploading for free users

---------- Post added at 09:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 PM ----------

can any 1 explain me what does this statement means
"If you do not wish to have your subscription automatically renewed please pay by mobile below or click here to see our non-recurring 30 day plans"
Hey do you know is it possible to remote upload from mediafire to filefactory??
And what is the download speeds are free users getting nowdays ??
And is it worth buying filefactory premium

/don`t know I don`t use mediafire .....

/free users.... It`s hard to tell sometime it`s hard to download with premium
/premium? ...... my opinion = no, It`s not expensive via sms, but a lot of people are uploading at filefactory, and there are some problems with it. My premium account was inactive (no uploads, no downloads, no remote, no FTP...) only because a lot of new members try to upload something...and they`re still trying

filefactory closed uploading for free users
yes because of new users from FS, MU .... (they started it)

does filefactory pays?
yes, but 1 in a mounth, and some users were banned because of DMCA (even premium users...check previous posts)
I requested payment for monrybookers bank
I see now in my account the payment approved but i haven't received money on bank
Is there someone you have the same problem?
"Due to heavy volume, uploads are temporarily disabled for free users.
Uploads are only available to Premium users..."

You have to pay to upload files to this filehost??? :)) This is unbelievable!!! Don't want to swear here.... :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
How??? I can't upload files from my PC because of this and I don't want to buy Premium acc. They blocked all upload methods. :facepalm:

Due to heavy volume, uploads are temporarily disabled for free users.
Although a free user, I manage to upload with zoom uploader. But it's such a hassle because some files arrive, others don't. And usually Zoom returns a 'Download link not found' (although eventually after a while the files show up in the file manager).

I consider to buy a premium account, but doubt if uploading is smoother. Can anybody with a premium account tell me if they experience upload problems?
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