Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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This is not an error, I thought it was too.
They want you to split the 350MB TV shows files (for example) into 2 parts,
Then people have to wait twice + wait between + 2 capchas + twice the ads.
This method generates more sales (or people find another source with 1 link and not using you links at all).
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Why? Proofs.

I am not going to educate anybody in here, if you want to use the no. 1 scam host, go to dp, search the term "filefactory" and look at the results. Trust me, you will be surprised.

I would show proof, but when I requested my money they disabled my account.:facepalm:

In one of those threads, you will see a FF staff member actually threatening members that abused his service to give away their personal information (files they uploaded, ip addresses and all).:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Scam, cheap and mafia-like tactics from the No.1 scam host.

That's what they are.
Laughing at the capacity issue.

Give us your money first, then you can upload. Delay tactics?

Update: I just uploaded a file through zoom. Upload around 60MBs, took a while to get the link but it arrived in my account. I am a free user (registered).

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Serious upload problem

I'am premium on but all web upload fails!!!

Via Ftp all files are loaded

but in my files is not recognize:

payments are made each monday, and i can assure you there will be no payment tomorrow maybe next week or maybe FF will swith to another payment method...
i'am very angry!!!

after 24 hours of premium:

Web upload fails!

Now also FTP fails!!!
Error: Could not connect to server...
Error: Critical file transfer error...
Error: Connection closed by server...

No support .....

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