Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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they stop downloading for free users (after new servers are installed, they remove free user restrictions).

uploading as free user still working
They're also facing issues with paypal, seems that sending money is impossible for them right now ! if there is no payments this monday it's clear that they won't pay and they're just taking advantage of the situation to make as much $$ as they can before shutting down !

i also heard that paypal will freeze any filehost account if they do pay rewards for affiliates !!!

fingers crossed
i have 8 sales 40$ in total , i was happy to find a good paying host but now this :( i m not sure they mean it , but untill i get paid or denied i will be confused.
i have 8 sales 40$ in total , i was happy to find a good paying host but now this :( i m not sure they mean it , but untill i get paid or denied i will be confused.

A good moment and insurance is Extabit or Turbobit, the other or do not pay or close soon.
i posted the question several times in thier support site but no straight answer always we're waiting... they're making money and we aren't sure we'll be paid so yes everyone is confused !!!
after fileserve and filesonic every file hosting is taking advantage of uploaders , making excuses and in the end ran away withe money, i m sure oron will do that 2 , any ways monday is the D day ,but after what happened in last few days i have no hope ..
yep, it's the week end so if no new today sure there will be no payment (they're aussie it's almost the week end there lol)

still have like 600$ in my account i'll sue them if don't get paid lol :D
I looked at their PPD table and saw that they paid $50 for files between 200-300mb and $25 for 300mb+.Isn't this an error?Or is this normal?
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