Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.



I opened this thread so that users can discuss among themselves issues related FileFactory.

Put negatives, positives, what they like and dislike, screens errors, proofs of payment.

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  • This thread was created only to exchange ideas between users, who have a problem visiting the official FILEFACTORY Website
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if they leave PPS only for files that are not password protected, that sucks if we already have thousands of files like that, so shall we reupload everything and post again?

any1 uses password protected files?

They would SCREW ME because I have loads of password-protected files!!! X-(
Nope you're not the only one. I've been experiencing RU problems for probably 2 weeks now. Files eventually get uploaded, but the pending time can go up to 14 hours for me.
yeah, 14 hours and then 50% uploads with internal error failed to move files... so another 14h and some files don't finish even after 2nd attempt... and they yet come up with stupid ideas like removing earnings from password protected files, imagine the pending time if everybody would go reup those archives...
hey guys, who said remove earns from password protected files and only pps plan?? i have read last pages only one guy mention it. but this is only his conjecture.
Guys check this out ...
There are 5 New Announcements

1. New file manager released!
2. FileFactory Policy Changes
3. New FileFactory Partner Program announced
4. New file limits announced for free members
5. Extended Premium payment options available

PPD [classic and mega ] all are gone
Its only PPS...

You must not upload, share, or distribute any files, comment, or link to any material that contains any of the following:

  • Any content that is illegal (including any content refused classification) in your country any location our servers are based from time to time;
  • Any content that may adversely affect our commercial reputation, brand and goodwill;
  • Any virus, malware, trojan, or intentional security vulnerability;
  • Child exploitation material, or any promotion of paedophilic activity;
  • Materials that instruct, promote, incite or support, or enable any in crime, violence or terrorism;
  • Materials that promote, incite or support discrimination or hatred of a person or group;
  • Pornographic, indecent or abhorrent content;
  • Spam, promotion, advertising or any unsolicited communication.

no legal adult content anymore
no filefactory anymore too with this type of crap

it is impossible to even earn for a monthly premium which is NOT worth 12$ when you consider the fact that their servers are overloaded causing troubles for downloading even if you're premium and the most important losing files cause of their "hardware issues"..

is it even neccessary to mention that they put a user's right to privacy at risk by forcing people not to password protect their files if want to participate in their affiliate program?

20%? 20% my balls get lost
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