Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.



I opened this thread so that users can discuss among themselves issues related FileFactory.

Put negatives, positives, what they like and dislike, screens errors, proofs of payment.

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  • This thread was created only to exchange ideas between users, who have a problem visiting the official FILEFACTORY Website
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I guess no one is going to pay from paypal.. FF was the last one


FF was the last filehost which was addicted to paypal. FF was the last fhost who left the boat so is the end of pp confirmed. think they are gonna pay affiliates but looks like not soon......... otherwise they ll loose huge-traffic (which already started)
" Funds from previous PayPal sales are currently being held by PayPal for up to 180 days.
We are working to implement alternative payout methods and may be able to payout via PayPal once funds are released."

any payout option will be good at this time..
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" Funds from previous PayPal sales are currently being held by PayPal for up to 180 days.
We are working to implement alternative payout methods and may be able to payout via PayPal once funds are released."

any payout option will be good at this time..

well not worried so much for payments as FF are back from 2005-6 they will pay affiliates sooner or later (they have money - and support replies quite often through tickets)

but this ""frozen period"" is bad for their reputation totally........ and many people will plan to leave them also (for different reasons from RG)
It's true what you say and depends how much frozen period keeps...
From my point of view is still the best filehost aliveand for other uploaders it's the same.Not only FF has these problesm..

Comeehereall says it best, what other file locker is better? If you know of one please enlighten us!

However, if you call Filefactory a scam you are just a bitter fool. No one knew this was coming and Filefactory did not have any crystal ball to prepare them for this situation any more than the other file lockers that have been using Papal for their payouts (Oron, Ryushare, etc). For someone to cry out "scam!" you need a reality check.
I think this cartoon speaks to fools like you:
Life of an uploader -

Copyright - Rox
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you think they just found out paypal ban them on 27jul they have more time than you think and could have source for alternate payout method soon
but now at the end of the month when everyone is requesting payout then they come out with this "good" news
and not only they didn't have alternate payout method after 1 month, now they even come out with ridiculous suggestion for Affiliate who only interest is their earning,
"In the meantime you can create Premium vouchers to upgrade or extend your account, or to give to family or friends."
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anyone has any ideas WHAT TIME is possible to upload. cuz no matter when i try i got "Sorry, no link to display. Either no hashes were sent or they were invalid." message 19 times of 20. FTP uploads also never show up in my account.

hi stiven, long time no see mate :) you still work with RG? ( i cant pm u)
Hi,Brother Richard, i still work with FF and RG although the stats goes worse but i have no choice.
FF upload is shiiit, i think they limited upload purposely.
PS: you can pm now:)
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anyone has any ideas WHAT TIME is possible to upload. cuz no matter when i try i got "Sorry, no link to display. Either no hashes were sent or they were invalid." message 19 times of 20. FTP uploads also never show up in my account.

yeah i don't know what happend with them in this day upload seems impossible and dls count decrease by half!!