- Earn UP TO 40$/1000 - PPD - Official support

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We got a Big attack on our server some files was changed and due to this issue mod license violation comes on that site but in short time our Tech Team fix that issue and now we are working on that because we dont want that FD user get that kind of issues in future

Very Sorry for inconvinience
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I will never understand how ppl meddling recycled scene content can have big traffic and huge downloads.

Shit is on public torrent ffs. Someone should educate such silly downloaders.

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
Real Unlimited Storage its 10TB? or Real Unlimited Storage. and whats your pay out schedule ???
do you offering premium account
Real Unlimited Storage its 10TB? or Real Unlimited Storage. and whats your pay out schedule ???
do you offering premium account

Its unlimited but if you are at free user each file will deleted if its not download in 30 days. payout schedule you can see at thread details Premium offered to active Users who can bring traffic and earn money

when I try to download I see minumum 5 download buttons all are advertisements.I understand also you should earn with ads but this shit.
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when I try to download I see minumum 5 download buttons all are advertisements.I understand also you should earn with ads but this shit.
Ads change time to time so its not in our control and the download buttons ads maybe some times show to user but its not a big deal most of File hosts have these ads so i hope you will be understand what we want to say

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