It would be very nice option if there wouldn't be that download accelerator everyone's talking about.
Then I'd definitely consider it.
its now 4 days passed but I didn't receive my payout of 56.29 $. could you tell me whats wrong ? you are still paying?? username is sam_up
Thank you for payment.Hello,
its now 4 days passed but I didn't receive my payout of 56.29 $. could you tell me whats wrong ? you are still paying?? username is sam_up
we are always trying to pay at time but this time we get some issue in our payment process now i was fixed and your payment is releasedand we will make sure that it will not happened again
dead host?
not dead host mate. I am working with them a couple of months and very happy with them. I don't know about admin but their support is always responding all of my messages.Has anyone tried to contact admin? He responded to messages?
Download using our download accelerator - take this off so my user can download very easy!
hi filedust , pls upgrade my account : Chrono
im not sure but i dont think this site will live for a long time :thumbdown: