FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

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So if such is thee case why is still this thread open . if they cant continue business then they must first close this thread then their filehost then enjoy at home :) Bz seeing this thread being bumped every now and then make many of us remeber that oh we have some payments due from their side . So it would be better if this thread is closed till they do not make payments bz neither we do get paid nor they have options for their users to buy premium so wats the point of such a filehost .
I lost two months by Fiberupload

give a wide berth




its totally ur mistake and bz of people like u who dont even use 1 % of their mind and keep working with these scam host deserve tat only . It was so clear that even in future they wont pay us so why did u keep uploading ur stuff to this shit host . U could have choosen some host with low rate but trusted one and could have maybe got less but point is u would have got something for ur time u invested on this shit host
If the minimum Payout €100 why they rejected your €153?

hehe bz they dint wanna pay anyone and now they r all hiding like girls behind the curtain and cant even have the courage to accept here that they are beggers and they need some money and so we must help them :)
can you delete your uploads? because I can't cancel anything...I want delete all my files uploaded, they aren't a serious filehost.
dont know why they r not banned yet here when they dont pay their affliciated from abt 75 days still they r entertained here . their thread should be closed and they should be banned :)
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