FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

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Really anybody still here and want to continue work with this Host (Please Remember all, they introduce with " We are a BIG COMPANY", hihihi)?

I think this host is dead since Paypal Issue, but they never heard at their uploaders and now they pay nobody, give no support anymore and are only in HOPE selling a lot of Premiums before shutdown.

Dear affiliates,

As you already know and as we had told you in our previous messages, our collaboration with the well known payment processor - PayPal - was limited by them. This limitation cannot be appealed. Implicitly, our funds are held by them for 180 days or until we close the legal dispute (our lawyers are dealing with this problem and are trying to rush the deadline).

In order to respect our promises to you and to restore ASAP to the quality of our services, we had to stop the PPD affiliate program and postpone the pending payments. However, we will not let you wait for 180 days and we will struggle to make the payouts as soon as possible.

Now that our new payment system has been implemented and tested for a period of 10 days we have managed to restart both affiliate programs including the Pay Per Downloads program. You can see the tiers on the Affiliate page.

Because we don't want to keep you in suspense any longer and in order to be able to pay sooner and as much as possible we had to return all pending payments amounts to your account balance and the "request payout" limit was temporarily raised to 100EUR. This limit will be reduced according with our website evolution and implicitly yours. We will try to begin reducing the limit from next week and keep on reducing back to 20EUR until all payouts are made and everyone gets paid.

If you will support us and you will start uploading we believe that all our debts will be paid in less than 1 month (maybe even faster) and all limits will return to normal.

Our technical staff has already made major improvements in all areas around and more improvements are coming. We already have a better notification system, letting you know what is happening to your files and money; a better download queueing setup preventing server overloads and almost double the storage space and bandwidth that we had a month ago.

Next up is an FTP system you can rely on and more gadgets for uploaders, making the daily routing of uploading as easy as click, click, earn.

Once again we turn to your trust and good faith in the FiberUpload Team and ask you to help us keep this website running so you can earn more and use a professional file hosting website.

As you see, we do have good faith in you and we are trying in all honesty to provide you the most accurate information as soon as we can rely on it ourselves.

We have already started sending payouts, and I hope that you will soon receive payment proofs from your colleagues.

So, everyone, let's start making money!

Kind regards,

The FiberUpload Team

What do you expect? They are not even able to remove their premium page to not show their users that Payza / AlertPay error that they are not trusted :facepalm:
What do you expect? They are not even able to remove their premium page to not show their users that Payza / AlertPay error that they are not trusted :facepalm:

I have €94 i will request payout tomorrow then they will never see me again until they pay me:)
I request 1m ago and they didn't pay . I think you mustn't wait they payout :) many comment about they don't pay but i can't know why too much try upload to fiber
bz they r people with no common sense and minds . And they just hope and hope their whole life that may be 1 day of their life would be according to them . But hopefully as the situation is i think they will have to take rebirth to get the payments from fiberupload :)
do we really care abt the site if its up or down will it give us money ? No lolz So wats the concern even seby or fiber r not seen from some good time . So just forget abt getting money and sleep tight :)
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