FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

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The payment will be tomorrow and the request must be done before 3 days. I think that they removed the button to avoid paying late requests.

The FTP connects for 1 min then disconnects, the Flash Upload don't work, File Upload also... :(
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Yes, you are right.

All of you will be able to request payment again after a few days, now we are processing the current payouts, tomorrow are scheduled a lot of payouts for those who asked before this weekend.

Nothing, is this possibile that the official support reply only the questions which is not about the upload problems?
FIX ftp problems, this is your first issue, NO UPLOAD NO MONEY for you (FIBERUPLOAD) and for us.
new pps - 60% from sales and 40% from rebills
new pps - 70% from sales and 30% from rebills
new pps - 90% from sales without rebills

please change them like above.
I had the same problem. They said maybe the upload didn`t finish corectly but it was.
same here, yesterday I noticed some files with 0 downloads so I try to download a file by myself and I still have 0 downloads, I uploaded the same file again, I downloaded it and only then I had 1 download :(
I don't know if this is a bug, if the downloads are counted in background or if I will always have 0 downloads.
I had to delete the first file and replace it with the second one in the forums I post.
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